Uzi and N vs. Toko and Komaru (Murder Drones vs. Danganronpa)

“Kill all sons of bitches. That’s my official instructions.”


Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N, worker and disassembly drone (planned) human murderers of Copper 9.

Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi, super high school level serial killer and hope sibling saviors of Towa City.

The humans of earth have a sour philosophy: Kill or be killed, and that seems to bleed to the autonomous as well. But when that idea reaches its apex in your city, you’d be surprised what pairings can emerge.

Blades out and guns blazing, which survivor duo will live another day? You better hope your favorites don’t get murdered. Too much?

Before We Begin…

Content Warning: While the topics won’t be directly discussed in the blog, Ultra Despair Girls is a very extra game that can sometimes be incredibly tone deaf over serious subjects. Some links for feats/information in the bios will lead to or imply scenes that involve the following:

  • Child abuse/neglect

  • Sexual assault

  • Graphic/gory imagery/implications (for both series involved)

If any of these subjects personally offend or disturb you, feel free to skip past the bios, any links on the Danganronpa side, or this blog entirely.

Spoiler Warning: This blog will have spoilers for all of Murder Drones and Danganronpa as franchises other than V3. Click off if you don’t want any.

Media wise, Murder Drones is pretty straightforward. All 8 episodes will be analyzed, with some supplementary material given to concept art of the disassembly drones’ abilities, as well as merchandise artwork as they are consistent with previously established abilities and give a better idea as to what they can survive and do. No Glitch Inn (excluding QNAs), SMG4, or merch videos for the folks that want to be funny.

Danganronpa is a bit more complex. We will take feats from Trigger Happy Havoc, Ultra Despair Girls (Obviously), the Danganronpa 3 Anime, Danganronpa IF, minor supplemental material from the Kirigiri and Togami Light Novels (Door has gotten trauma from Togami), the Ultra Despair Hagakure short story, as well as the Killer Killer and Ultra Despair Girls manga/anthology. Danganronpa 2, Ultimate Talent Development Plan, and New Danganronpa V3 will not be used. Danganronpa 2 is an in-universe virtual simulation and thus can’t be used for feats. UTDP has the cast of all three main games interacting which makes no sense chronologically if not canonically, and will also not be used. New Danganronpa V3 however, is arguably canon based on minor details and Tsumugi’s track record of lying. That said, because it has equal and more obvious evidence of not being canon, as well as not providing any feats beyond any high or middle ends for the series, it will thus be disregarded. Lastly, it should be obvious but non canon material such as Danganronpa S and crossovers won’t be included.

Side note: a lot of the content on Toko’s side is very similar to the G1 blog. This blog actually started development and finished Toko’s information before Toga Vs Toko Vs Neo was announced, and one of the main people behind this blog (Yul) worked on that as well. Just keep in mind that we’re not a ripoff lol. Thanks to that blog by the way, you should read it. Also thanks to Capejedi’s Toko Vs Seven blog for working as a minor reference point.

Also, this blog has a different formatting from other New Horizons blogs due to being a project hosted by Yul, and not I, door-kun lol. Figured I should clear that up beforehand. Now, onwards we go!


Uzi and N

“Hey, let’s go in that landing pod over there.”

“Sure, I love doing anything!”

Space. What do you think humanity would do if it discovered space? To reach beyond the stars and land beyond its wildest dreams. Horror beyond its wildest dreams… Doesn’t matter! They’re all dead. Before they all kicked the bucket, humanity relied on little AI robots called worker drones, totally harmless and essentially manual labor turned automatic en masse. However, a particularly powerful artificial intelligence called the Absolute_Solver went rogue and wiped all humans out via altered worker drones called disassembly drones. Trying to find a cure, they brought several worker drones infected by the Solver to Cabin Fever labs on Copper 9, an exoplanet in space. At the same time, a company called JCJenson began work mining the planet for materials, bringing a massive load of drones with them which was actually a front for an underground research facility experimenting on a patch that could purge the solver. Long story short, two infected Drones, Nori and Yeva, ended up accidentally causing an implosion on a massive chunk of the planet. This effectively killed off all organic matter on the planet, turning it into a frozen wasteland. Disassembly Drones sent to kill off the remaining solver hosts, the surviving workers ran into hiding behind bunker walls, never to leave. That was, until Uzi Doorman.

Uzi was the daughter of the aforementioned Nori. Angry at the world for staying in hiding and at her father for neglecting her, she went on her own to the outside world. Beyond the bunker doors, she saw a spiral tower of corpses, and inside a disassembly drone assigned the name Serial Designation N. After a short fight ending with Uzi blowing off his head, his memories of the last 2 minutes were purged and the two became pals until Uzi ran off.

Now is a good time to mention the other robot. N was a worker drone salvaged as a butler to the Elliot family, along with fellow drones J, V, and Cyn. Following an incident at the Elliot mansion with an eldritch horror Cyn, the remaining N and J’s memories were wiped and got turned into the first disassembly drones to be sent to Copper 9. While J and V gladly embraced the slaughter to be left alone by Cyn, N had doubts that were only further realized after talking to Uzi. Of course, he couldn’t leave a drone alive, and his ticket into the doors had just opened.

A lot of death, explosions, romance, and of course, horror later, and Uzi & N are buddies (and more) again, kicking eldritch horror ass and obliterating continents off the planet. Through thick and thin, they’ve helped each other through their trauma both physically and mentally again and again. In the end, they and their newly made friends returned to the bunker with new insight and appreciation for what they have. However, if put to the test, a murder or two will surely occur. Sorry for the corny, it’s in their blood. Or oil I guess.

Toko and Komaru

“If you say it’s better not to go, then I’ll trust you. But we’ve come all this way, and we don’t have any better escape plans right now…”

“Ugh, so indecisive. Fine, I’ll go. We’re going this way. So now just do what I say?”

The world as we know it is in ruins. Cities have been reduced to dangerous wastelands, killer robot teddy bears roam the world mauling anything in sight, and thousands of humans have been driven to despair to the point where they would commit heinous acts. No one could have ever expected Earth would transform into a hellscape to the efforts of a Japanese schoolgirl. Hope's Peak Academy student Junko Enoshima, along with her entourage of Ultimate Despair, plunged the world into complete and utter chaos. This event with innumerable casualties would be known as The Tragedy, otherwise known as the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History. However, this cataclysmic event would result in the fateful meeting of two schoolgirls who would take a stand against this rotten world.

During the Tragedy, Junko orchestrated a killing game composed of her own classmates. It was brutal and utterly despairful, but Junko would ultimately be thwarted by six participants, leading to her death. One of these survivors was Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy. Toko seemed meek and deathly insecure, but deep down she harbored a terrible secret: she bore the split personality of renowned serial killer Genocide Jack (or better yet Genocide Jill). In spite of everything, Toko managed to survive the Killing Game. She and the five other survivors would be sought out by an organization called the Future Foundation, which seeks to undo all the damage caused by Junko. Junko may be dead, but her Ultimate Despair and Monokuma armada are still at large.

This is when Komaru Naegi enters the picture. Komaru is the sister of Makoto—the main protagonist of the first game—who was kidnapped in an attempt to motivate Makoto to kill. Unlike her Ultimate brother, she was just another typical schoolgirl with a plain but fair life. That all changed when the killing game began. As part of a motive, she and her family were kidnapped and separated. If no one in the game murdered anyone, they all would die. Komaru was left trapped in an apartment room, unaware of the crumbling world beyond her room. Her captivity is cut short by a Monokuma unit attempting to break into her room. After successfully fleeing, she comes face to face with another killing game survivor, Byakuya Togami, who has come to save her. He bestows her a hacking gun to properly combat the Monokumas. Just as she’s about to escape with the Future Foundation, she’s kidnapped by a group of Junko’s child disciples known as the Warriors of Hope. These kids force her into a killing game of their own as she’s dropped into the city to be hunted down by them, along with many others.

This is when Toko returns into the picture, as she saves Komaru from certain doom — now  with control over her murderous persona via a stun gun. After learning that Byakuya — Toko’s massive crush — has likely been kidnapped by the Warriors of Hope, she chooses to team up with Komaru to rescue him and escape the city together.

Despite how different both are, the schoolgirls grow much closer throughout their journey. They make a great team as they combat each Warrior of Hope and aid other survivors along the way. The world may be overwhelmingly filled with despair and chaos, but as long as Toko and Komaru can hold onto the hope for a better future, anything is possible.

Experience and Skill

Uzi and N

Despite not possessing any combat experience prior to meeting N, copying what she saw on pirated anime which seems to have made her weirdly acrobatic. Regardless, Uzi is actually pretty skilled at the aforementioned acrobatics and at utilizing weapons, from her own Railgun (which she built from scratch) to smaller stuff like knives. She’s also a very proficient hacker due to her knowledge she’s gained by hacking other drones.

N is in a similar situation, he used to be a butler who worked for the Elliot family before becoming a Disassembly Drone, and while he has killed thousands of Worker Drones in an unspecified amount of time on Copper-9, it’s not like those drones were fighting back. In spite of this, N is actually very proficient at using his weapons, being able to fight against other Disassembly Drones such as V and J, and should be comparable to them in skill.

The both of them have fought a wide variety of foes, from other Disassembly Drones like V and J, to the Sentinels, a group of robot velociraptors, and even other Solver users such as Doll (although she couldn’t use her full power on Uzi).

Toko and Komaru

For several years, Toko has lived with the personality Genocide Jack. She’s committed multiple murders, but only on boys she considers cute. She is a survivor of the first (technically second) killing school life, but that had very little to no hands involved beyond a brief scuffle with Sakura Ogami. Prior to Ultra Despair Girls, Toko had been working under the Future Foundation for weeks to months, and had spent that time training to coexist with Syo under Byakuya Togami’s orders. She’s also a very skilled writer, her ultimate talent, but it isn’t very combat applicable unless she wants to seduce the robots to death with shitty romance novels. Ew.

As Genocide Jack, she’s skilled enough to make up for it. She has extreme power, and uses this to rush through and destroy opponents. She is agile and has fun mobility god forbid. She’s fought evenly with Sakura Ogami and Mukuro Ikusaba in Danganronpa IF, who are at the absolute peak of their world’s skill ceiling for some pretty insane reasons.

Before the events of Ultra Despair Girls, Komaru lacked literally any skill or experience. However, over the course of the game, she learns many useful skills to help her traverse the city. She is an excellent puzzle solver, an expert marksman, and generally pretty well rounded in terms of skill management and basic common sense. Her marksmanship is particularly impressive, being able to hit a Monokuma’s weak spot (their eye) consistently and hit several with one arm while falling from the atmosphere.




Why is it not an Uzi

Her signature weapon in marketing. Designed for a school project, this gun is a “magnetically amplified photon converger” (which makes no sense physically but whatever). It can completely obliterate and even kill disassembly drones, but requires a 30 minute cooldown, needs a constant swap of a core, and can be easily destroyed at close range, which it was by Monster J going kaboom afterwards. Potential gun fr fr

Hacking Equipment

Crow Uzi *vine boom*

Uzi can hack things. She can switch minds with other worker drones and possesses a crow/eldritch Cyn in N/V’s memories of which she can directly interact and mess with help the of the absolute solver (We’ll get to that). As of episode 8, she can also resist hacking from Cyn.

Fun fact: The crow’s actual name is Quoth.


Mining away-

To battle Cyn in epic close quarters combat, Uzi got this pickaxe from her mom. Using the power of awesomesauce, she summoned it from space and clashed with Cyn/Tessa’s sword + sliced her head off without a dent.


Changeable Limbs


Like the name implies, N’s hands can be swapped for various things. As best explained by the creator of the show Liam Vickers, they act as a sort of hammer space of weapons and equipment for any scenario. The following are the main things shown.


Unfortunately not chicken

You see the image. Wings. They cut stuff. That hurts. Owchies.

Tail Stinger

A needle at the end of a Disassembly Drone’s tail. It injects corrosive nanites that effectively work as acid. It can be stopped and healed by a Disassembly Drone’s saliva, but is otherwise fatal, especially if aimed at a vital organ.



Jack’s weapons of choice. By choice I mean she refuses to use literally anything else, which saved her life weirdly enough. They’re specifically designed for both murder and arranging her victims in suspension. Luckily, she has an endless supply of them she can pull out of nowhere. There’s nothing particularly special about them ability wise, but they’re cool.


Can this series not have weird implications for three seconds

Though their personalities can change indefinitely through sneezes and knock outs, Toko can also manually change into Genocide Jack with this taser. However, it has a fairly short time limit and she will swap back to Fukawa immediately after. She’s also used it to defend Komaru from Monokumas by zapping them, though it eats up part of her battery.


Megaphone Hacking Gun

The important thing

Komaru’s weapon of choice. By choice I mean she sucks with literally anything else. Designed by Future Foundation, it fires electromagnetic waves that hack the target with a variety of functions.

  • Break: Knocks back and destroys the target. It takes several connections to destroy, but can succeed in one hit if landed on a weak spot. It does not cause the target to explode magically, rather it triggers the Monokuma’s self-destruct, as shown when the Big Bang Monokuma and other Warriors of Hope robots do not explode after being defeated. Has a maximum of 40 shots.

    • Hope: A massive ball of hacking fired with Komaru’s gun and Toko’s taser to defeat the Big Bang Monokuma. While not confirmed, it is likely a stronger version of the break bullet as shown by the same color and similar function. It likely cannot be replicated in combat, but is worth noting due to its massive area. Ammo limit is unknown as it is used once in the final battle.

  • Move: Can activate and move machines such as Towa cars and Monoku-man machines. Has no ammo limit.

  • Dance: Forces its target to stay in place and dance with the exaggerated swagger of a black bear. Stronger robots like Ball Monokuma can break out of it after a few seconds(the goat frfr). Has a maximum of 20 shots.

  • Detect: Uncovers hidden messages or graffiti left by the children. Helps with getting those juicy collectibles. Has no ammo limit.

  • Knockback: Knocks… Things back. It has a short range, but enemies hit by it will drop their weapons. Has a maximum of 20 shots.

  • Paralyze: Fires a wave short-circuits and stuns the targets. Will spread over water like electricity (This will certainly not backfire guys). Has a maximum of 10 shots.

  • Burn: A faster and rapid-fire bullet. Instead of triggering a self-destruct, it overheats a Monokuma’s generator. It does less damage than break, but has a much quicker rate of fire. Has a maximum of 150 shots.

  • Link: Used to “possess” enemy machines. Targets under its control can be used to attack their allies or open up areas previously blocked off. Stronger targets can break out faster than normal and Komaru cannot use other hacking gun features while it is active. In Danganronpa 3, it can link four Monokumas at once. Has a maximum of 10 shots.

  • Stop: In one of the non canon stories from the UDG Anthology Manga, Stop is a bullet that… stops Monokumas in place. Ammo limit is unknown.

The gun can also change the letters of a word?

In the Danganronpa Hagakure novel, it’s stated that the hacking gun can only affect machinery created by the Towa Group. That’s hella lame though so we’re ignoring it. Also doesn’t make much sense that somehow every single piece of machinery in UDG is made by the Towa group plot wise, and it doesn’t make sense with how Detect works in general, so probably a plot hole.



Worker Drone Physiology

Drones on Copper 9 are very durable. They can handle extreme cold and high levels of damage such as being stabbed through the hand without much pain, certainly above that of a regular human.

Absolute Solver

The other important thing

An AI program that wants to kill things. Inherited from her mother, it takes Uzi as its host. It can…

The solver is also an auto-run program. If Uzi overexerts herself or is sufficiently damaged, things go… bad.

Solver Transformation/Solver Uzi

After becoming a bit more familiar with her “definitely not evil” AI program, and by getting familiar of course that means overusing it and overheating herself, the Absolute_Solver putting her inside an organic cocoon, waiting for a couple minutes, and BAM, coming out with a transformation made by the Solver.

In this state she gains wings to fly, an organic tail that has some sort of creature as the stinger, and an unquenchable thirst for oil. It also seemingly makes her stronger both physically and telekinetically, as she’s capable of going head to head and even overpowering a Disassembly Drone like V. It also gives her N’s weakness of dying in sunlight.

At first Uzi was uncontrollable in this state. However, after a little pep talk from N, she managed to keep it under control and has assimilated the abilities (like creating the wings and tail, for example) in her base form. It also seems to have carried over the improved solver control.

Multiple Consciousnesses

At the end of Murder Drones, Uzi consumes Cyn’s core in a last ditch effort to end the latter for good. This resulted in Cyn being absorbed into Uzi’s body, possessing her tail and making her eyes two colors. While they share very little screen time in this state, Cyn seems to have become more of an annoyance and Uzi has taken full control.

She comments that “now I can do this” before showing off absolute solver abilities on both hands, something she wasn’t able to do before outside of her possessed state which implies assimilating Cyn gave her improved control over her powers. A very important ability this grants is Cyn’s black hole heart, an intangible black hole that the user can move around and reform their body with though it requires metal to reform that as of the show can only be destroyed by consuming it inside the black hole itself.

Also, since Cyn consumed Doll’s core and we see briefly Uzi gain a red hub, in theory she has Doll inside her too.



“Stand proud N, you are strong.”

“Ok lol”

As a Disassembly Drone, N is capable of regenerating from most injuries. These include ones as severe as losing his entire head and being sliced into pieces. This regeneration isn’t perfect however, and Disassembly Drones seem to be unable to heal back if their entire upper body is obliterated.

Pain Tolerance

Disassembly drones can take severe punishment and keep going with minimal pain. They don’t respond to dismemberment, stabbing, etc. Essentially, if their body can withstand it, they can immediately keep fighting. Pairs well with their regeneration, especially N’s.

Healing Saliva

Don't worry about it

For whatever reason, the saliva from a Disassembly Drone (don’t ask why they have saliva) is capable of neutralizing the nanite acid from their stingers, and can also heal the wounds that they caused.

He’s Steven Universe guys holy guac.

Real “Eyes”


You know the five glowing sections on the top of Disassembly Drone’s heads? Yeah turns out those are actually their eyes, with these eyes they can scan their surroundings with 360° vision and even come with ultraviolet and infrared visions, and they’re even capable of tracking prints left by others, neat. Though it comes with the downside of briefly going blind if they’re broken.

Real eyes realize real lies (the Danganronpa 3 good timeline) 

Drone Core (also applies to Uzi)

If a disassembly drone IS destroyed beyond repair, the core will crawl out of its corpse and try to rebuild itself by taking metal from others. Uzi and N both have it in their bodies, and destroying it will kill the disassembly drone in question though Uzi likely would be able to survive because of the black hole core. Blunt damage is enough to kill the core, but they can move on their own and retain Absolute Solver abilities like telekinesis. Their and consciousness growth can also be stopped by exposing them to extreme heat. 


Human Physiology

I can’t fucking believe we actually need a section for this shit. Clearly, this is why they are sub-wall level.


“Stand proud Toko, you are strong.”


This one is really weird and confusing, but essentially within the light novel Danganronpa Togami, Toko has one of her arms cut off in Volume 1, but by the time of Volume 3, her arm came back… somehow? It’s confusing, and weird, and dumb. Like Danganronpa Togami. 


Yes this actually happened.

For some reason, UDG decided to make ghosts a real thing and have the spirit of Tokuchi Towa pseudo-possess Komaru to give information on the Towa family. Toko, like anyone would, then quite literally uses the Power of Christ to disperse the spirit from Komaru’s body. This is never explained or used again because of course.


Auto-Lock (and other skills)

Throughout Ultra Despair Girls, Komaru can find several hidden books around the overworld that grant extra abilities, mostly gameplay buffs. While they’re a majority stat buffs like extra hearts and slight increases to Genocide Jack’s time limit, one of the first books will cause Komaru’s initial ADS to automatically lock on the closest target’s weak point (in the Monokuma’s case, for example, their red eye). While they’re not homing shots and enemies can still dodge them after the bullet is fired, it is nonetheless useful.


Note: Essentially original calcs in this blog were done by Rina, Arson, and Ultra with help from Psychomaster’s VS Battle Wiki posts as calc reference. Huge thanks to all of them for making these possible.

Uzi and N


  • Defeated J, V, J again, Doll, V again, Alice (kind of), and J again

  • Saved Copper 9 of the immediate threat of disassembly drones and J’s disassembly core

  • Uncovered many of the mysteries on Copper 9

  • Plunged to the depths of Cabin Fever labs

  • N successfully defeated a Cyn-possessed Uzi

  • Beat Cyn and destroyed her core




Toko and Komaru

Note: Toko should be superior to Komaru stat wise in all areas, given she’s handled several Monokumas at once that have given Komaru trouble and has outpaced Komaru’s eyesight on two separate occasions. However, they do fight side-by-side for the entire game and have both struggled and excelled in similar situations so they’re not completely incomparable.


  • Defeated the Warriors of Hope

  • Purged Towa City of the Monokumas

  • Saved the children from their mind control

  • Saved the adults from hiding

  • Destroyed Big Bang Monokuma





Uzi and N

Serial Designation V

“And yet, I still feel nothing.:D”

Bloodthirsty coworker turned friend, both Uzi and N are shown several times to be equal or above V in physical stats and combat skill. 

V is quite impressive, being able to

She’s also hot.


“Ты даже не знаешь, что эта штука делает.”

Один из главных антагонистов сериала. Узи и N избивают ее в третьем эпизоде. Это очень круто, потому что она может

  • Отражайте пули с помощью телекинеза.

  • Уклоняйтесь от ракет.


“Ah, that’s where I left my excuse to be outside right now.” 

-Random bozo, moments before disaster

We’re serious, he actually just dies moments later. Since he’s a normal Worker Drone and both Uzi and N have been shown to be either comparable or vastly above what Worker Drones are capable of, they can scale to this random fuck, who in turn can…

Cyn (See Before the Verdicts)

“Easier to assimilate than explain, anyway.”

The overarching antagonist of Murder Drones and the current primary host of the absolute solver. She is currently more destructive than Uzi’s current solver capabilities, but she will possess her if she overheats or exhausts herself.

Toko and Komaru

The Warriors of Hope

“We’ve decided to build a paradise of children by children for children! And therefore, all of you adults will no longer be needed.”

Monaca Towa and her goons, the controllers of all Monokuma robots and kids. They were manipulated by Junko for her scheme until Monaca eventually became the manipulator in her absence. Each child has their own giant robot that Toko and Komaru beat head on, so scaling is straightforward.

Monokuma Units

“I’m dead.”

Everyone’s favorite Killing Game Mascot has some surprisingly good feats that the Ultra Despair Girls duo should pretty clearly scale to. From being able to evade their attacks, to Komaru being able to kick one out of entering a helicopter, to Genocide Jill obliterating them regularly. Syo even states how the units created by the Towa group are far inferior to that of the original.

Other Hope’s Peak Academy Students

Including the 16th student lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the Ultimate Despair… Watch out for her.

Toko’s classmates and seniors. Most of them are physically standard humans by Danganronpa standards, and ones that haven't have fought Toko directly evenly like Sakura in IF. Some of them are cracked as fuck like genuinely how are they not superweapons- oh wait.

  • Nekomaru Nidai shit hard enough to make a crater (78 Kilotons of TNT)

  • Sakura Ogami completely halted a tank shell with her bare hands

    • She can also teleport?????

  • Yasuhiro Hagakure dodged gunfire from a gatling gun

Takumi Hirijihara

“Things like murderers, these types of odd crimes… from the bottom of my heart, I love them more than anything.”

Me when I kill la kill the killer.

Note: All the calcs for this section were done by SpicyyyRamen on VSBW, huge thanks to them for these.

  • People survive a Mukuro impersonator’s bomb (0.039 tons of TNT)

  • Slices a building in half (0.95 kilotons of TNT)

  • Deflects fireworks (Mach 14)

The elephant (sized thing (just like your mother)) in the room.


Piloted by Shirokuma, Big Bang Monokuma is the final boss of Ultra Despair Girls. Toko and Komaru defeat it at the end of the game, and Toko specifically parries its attacks. It does cool things, like: 


Uzi and N

Reused joke GO

The Murder Drones duo is far from perfect. For one, Uzi is relatively inexperienced with her abilities. While she has learned to use her telekinesis and advanced Solver abilities well over time, she still lacks experience and will often overexert herself. N is also weak to overheating, and can exhaust his arsenal if he uses his abilities for too long, though that would require a very long battle. One definitive weakness for both is a weakness to attacks on their robotic physiology. It’s been shown several times that EMPs and magnets to their CPU (their head) were able to incapacitate them/disable powers. Granted, episode 7 shows that attempts at mental influence/program hacking on N now fail because of Uzi’s influence in episode 5, but this wouldn’t change their weakness to other anti-robot attacks. Lastly, though they can quickly regenerate from it, Uzi and N will both die very quickly in sunlight.

Toko and Komaru

More like CUMaru- please kill me

Despite their skill, the Towa City girls have a couple issues when it comes to fighting. Komaru has very little hand to hand prowess and relies on the hacking gun for basically every combat situation, making disarming her a massive issue. Toko also relies on her agility to outmaneuver her opponents, which while working in her favor when she already blitzes her opponent, becomes an issue when facing someone as fast or faster than her. Granted this hasn’t happened in canon before, but it’s unlikely she could completely change her fighting style immediately, so it would at the very least be an issue that would need to be resolved quickly. Lastly, although she has methods to circumvent this for a limited time, switching Syo back into Toko would create a brief opening for the attacker.

Before the Verdicts

Uzi and N

Ship Scaling

If you’ve been anywhere near the Murder Drones powerscaling sphere, you’ll more than likely be familiar with a heavily debated feat, that being a regular worker drone dodging a crashing disassembly drone spaceship at the end of episode 3. This feat has had a myriad of varying results ranging from massively hypersonic to even ones thousands of times faster than light. However, in the last episode of the series, Cyn manages to catch a ship being piloted by N, and it could be argued as well that N piloting the ship at high speeds through the orbiting rubble could also be considered a form of scaling to these interstellar spaceships. So let’s solve this headache once and for all.


For starters, in episode 2, it’s mentioned that the disassembly drone trio actually don’t know how to pilot their ships and are more or less just thrown into guided missiles, which is corroborated by how in the intro to episode 1, we see the ship containing N, V, and J crash without stopping even past Copper 9’s co-planet. While we do see J pilot a spaceship later on in the series, the instance of the feat where the drone moves out the way was performed with the ship crashing and not landing, so it can be presumed that it was going at full speed despite containing J. While shown in episode 8 that N can now pilot and maneuver the ships without much issue, this was implied to be taught extremely last minute, and seemed much more controlled than the episode 3 crash, so the act of drones being capable of learning how to pilot ships shouldn’t contradict the ship in question moving at full speed.

Thanks to the cinematic in Episode 6, we know that Cyn sends disassembly drones from around Earth to all other planets in entirely different solar systems; on another note, the very same cinematic also gives us a frame of reference to how far the Copper solar system is from Earth with the Proxima system (the nearest solar system to Earth at 4.2 light years away), which would put Copper 9 at an estimated 18 light years away from Earth.


The timeframe for the ship's movement would simply be the time between episodes 2 and 3. This is because while J did die at the end of episode 1, there was no reason for a new J to be sent in, as her core was still intact. Therefore when her core was destroyed at the end of episode 2, there would be a reason for a new J to be sent out, as without a core J could not regenerate.

To find the timeframe between episodes 2 and 3, however, is a little more difficult. We debated back and forth on how to find the timeframe, and ultimately we found a way to get a maximum time frame, though it may be unconventional. N likely stopped eating workers entirely after the events of episode 2, supported by how he describes himself in episode 3 as “too dangerous.” In that same conversation, V implies that one of them is running low on oil, “we'll only take what we need to survive.” This implies N hadn’t consumed any oil since episode 2, meaning the maximum time between 2 and 3 is about how long N can last with just the oil he has in his body and no new oil consumed.


Based on a lot of pixel scaling and approximate simple 3D objects that fit into N’s size best, N’s total volume should be around 58000 cubic centimeters. If we assume his volume is almost entirely oil, N should have about 500 Megacalories of oil to burn. Based on some studies of how many FLOPS (FLoat Operations Per Second) it’d take to simulate a human mind and comparing them to how much energy is burnt by computers based on their FLOPS, N should be burning around 250 calories per second, meaning N could last just over 23 days before succumbing, making 23 days the maximum amount of time the ship could take to arrive. If we assume N has a volume to oil ratio similar to a human’s volume to blood ratio, then he’d have slightly more than 6000 cubic centimeters of oil within his body. Based on the same FLOPS values as before,  N should be capable of lasting just under 2.5 days, making 2.5 days the maximum amount of time the ship could take.

Thanks to a helpful measurement found here, we know that Copper-9 is about 170 trillion kilometers away from Earth. We know the ships are being sent from Earth by Cyn because in episode 6, “Tessa” states that Cyn disappeared on Earth, with J interjecting about them running away. Additionally in the same episode, “Tessa” also shows N a short cinematic on a computer summarizing that Cyn is sending disassembly drones to other solar systems from Earth. In order to cross the distance in the given 23 days, the ship would’ve been moving at about 285.7 times the speed of light. If we instead use the 2.5 days, the ship would’ve been moving at 2697.72 times FTL.

Even if you don’t agree with this logic, assuming a low ball of an entire year to reach Copper 9, it would still be 18 times FTL.


Of course, some might argue that this sort of jump in speed shouldn’t be taken into account due to how large and ‘inconsistent’ it is.

For starters, Murder Drones has a variety of relativistic feats, nearly all coming from their laser dodging, with one blatant FTL feat with Uzi’s black hole throw. This means that at the very least, the gap would be in the dozens to hundreds and to at most the thousands. 

Outliers are a very subjective matter, so they depend on how an individual views them as. Although seeing as how there’s potentially several ways to scale the drones to these sorts of speeds (with the ship dodge, N piloting through space rubble, and Cyn catching one), there’s enough proof to consider the scaling as valid.

Ships in Episode 1

At the very end of episode 1, there is a shot with three ships far above the planet’s atmosphere. Because of this shot, it could be assumed that these were the ships seen in episode 3. However, there are a few things that make this likely invalid. First and foremost, if these ships were always there then why did they not land right after Eldritch J died? We can infer that Cyn would want things to move quicker due to wanting to consume the planet, so if the ships were there the entire time it wouldn’t make much sense for Cyn to wait for potentially weeks. Secondly, J mentions that both her and "Tessa" ran from Earth, and later “Tessa” shows where the ships were coming from. Third of all, the ships being there could be a form of foreshadowing for things to come, not actual ships above Copper-9’s atmosphere, especially considering the fact that the ships being there is never brought up again in the show. Also, as Liam Vickers has said in numerous interviews, the plans for Murder Drones shifted a lot from its original conception in the pilot, so it could easily be argued that this too was changed or outright retconned. Overall, the ships being above Copper-9 is likely nothing more than a bit of foreshadowing, due to bringing about plot holes and going against what other characters have said.

Disassembly Drone lasers

There’s been certain takes on whether the lasers from Disassembly Drones’ cannons are actually lasers, so let’s start with the evidence for them. Their lasers have showcased many properties of real lightspeed lasers, such as burning, possessing zero force, and seemingly moving in a straight line, although we’ll get to that final point later; also, while they’ve never been called lasers in the series, they are called lasers in concept art, meaning that there is a solid amount of space evidence pointing at them actually being legit light speed lasers.

Now for the contrary, in Episode 1 and Episode 6, if you slow down the footage, you may notice instances of the beginning parts of these lasers disappearing while they’re being fired and moved at different ranges. While some have argued that this is a curvature contradicting real life logic, with closer inspection, the lasers are still moving straight, they’re just ending, and if anything, these instances could be taken as V moving her laser cannons at relative speeds to the lasers, which has been calculated at 15% lightspeed.

Cyn scaling

As the final antagonist of Murder Drones, Cyn throughout the series was built up as the strongest character in the verse by a considerable margin. As a result, a lot of arguments have been had over Uzi and N scaling to her and the plethora of cosmic feats she commits. Well, are they? With episode 8, the answer is painted pretty clearly as yes. They fight each other in close quarters combat, Uzi rips out Cyn’s heart at the end of their fight, and by EOS Uzi and Cyn were able to fight on equal ground with their solver abilities like the black hole quickdraw. On N’s side, he was able to fight and nearly kill Uzi who was possessed by Cyn who should have the same abilities and reactions as Cyn proper. As well as decapitating Tessa, who was still Cyn’s metal body underneath. Therefore, physical scaling is absolute (pun unintentional) and absolute solver scaling for Uzi is definitely not out of the question, especially since Cyn now possesses her tail.

Copper 9’s core collapse. Validity + Outlier much?

The most contentious point of argument for Murder Drones stats is the core collapse shown in episodes 1 and 6. For a long time, the main issue with the argument was the worker drones’ distance from the core, as it was never explicitly shown for several years. Now however, through Mass Destruction, we know both Nori and Yeva were at least relatively close to the epicenter of the explosion as it was happening. Nori immediately after the flashback then explains that she woke up later in the same body, with a picture as visual indication, meaning her body remained intact even after the blast. Therefore, the question now becomes how far?

Conveniently, the answer can be measured relatively cleanly. The core activation happens due to Nori’s chopped off hand going down a hole directly to the core of Copper 9. All that needs to be done at that point is measure how far it fell through the time and acceleration due to gravity to find a distance of 313.813 meters. All that needs to be done at that point is to find York and Yeva’s distance from the hole and their surface area to get a value of 1 to 3 zettatons of TNT. Clean numbers for what was previously a vague calc, not much to nitpick on the math side.

Now for the less fun part. “Isn’t it an outlier?” Up to this point the drones were impressive physically, sure, but that’s a massive leap in stats. Well, firstly, this level of destruction isn’t exactly abnormal for Murder Drones as a series. Cyn’s created a lot, a lot of black holes, which have even higher values and area of destruction than the core collapse and as explained in the last section, Uzi can scale to Cyn’s output. It doesn’t qualify as a one off gag feat either, the feat is one of, if not the most important event in the show’s timeline and a lot of plot details would make no sense if the characters weren’t able to tank it. Uzi at the end of episode 7 was also in the exploding core, and survived, so essentially the feat has actually happened twice. Therefore, it probably wouldn’t qualify as an outlier by most metrics.

Are Cyn’s black holes real?

So, you read the title of this section, and you know what that means. It’s time for Arson Lord to waffle on about whether Cyn’s null thingies are real black holes. I’ll be comparing most usages of null in the series to real-life black holes to see if they stack up. Just a fyi, I am not at all an expert on this matter, I haven’t even gone to college yet, it’s just something I vaguely understand and can explain in simple-ish terms. First thing’s first though, just some extra clarification that they can be considered black holes in the first place.

In episode four, Khan is explaining some things about Nori, and one thing he quotes from her is “The singularity awakens.” As you may know, a singularity exists at the center of a black hole. There are theories that detail that the universe creates black holes around singularities to keep the laws of physics somewhat consistent but I can’t make any sense of them even after watching the Kurzgesagt video on it. Just know that black holes and singularities are very closely intertwined. On a different note, the official Glitch twitter account posted this, which has more detailed images of some backgrounds from the show. In the second image, a pink post-it note has the formula R = 2MG/c2. This is the formula used to determine the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole. Now, let’s dissect all the black holes used in the show, shall we?

The first time we see a black hole for more than a second is here. Now, this might seem odd at a first glance. The black hole is right in the middle of the planet, why doesn’t the black hole consume the entire thing at nearly the speed of light? Is it stupid? Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. As you can see, there are those two beams coming out of opposite sides of the black hole. This is likely a quasar, which, to grossly oversimplify a bunch of sciencey hubbub, occurs when a black hole has consumed too much matter all at once. It pushes other matter away, causing the black hole to be incapable of consuming things while the quasar is active. Quasars are also capable of being active for months at a time, making this all the more likely. This all is technically just a theory, but it is a good explanation as to why there’s a black hole in the center of the Earth that has not eaten the whole thing.

The next black hole is on a vastly smaller scale, it’s found here. Surprisingly, this actually holds up somewhat well. It’s a tiny black hole, so it’s incapable of sustaining itself for long. In the time that it does exist for, it consumes some matter, and explodes, breaking a wall. Due to its short existence, there isn’t much saying that this wouldn’t be a black hole.

Next, there’s this one. This one is more interesting, to say the least. The flesh part isn’t implied to have been created by the black hole, but the issue is more the black hole itself. It’s pretty small, so it probably shouldn’t be able to exist, right? Well actually, yeah it can… technically. It does display physical properties of a black hole, and the ‘too small’ conundrum can be explained by saying that the Solver’s powers include keeping black holes stable, which would make sense considering that the Solver makes them out of thin air in the first place. Other than that though, this black hole is also pretty life-accurate.

The next black hole is this. This one seems odd, although it’s actually fine in terms of the “it existing” part, as we see it disappears when N guillotines Uzi’s hand, therefore confirming that Solver users sustain the black holes’ existence. The flesh part is what I’m most confused about. However, since we do see the black hole consuming the flesh, we can assume the flesh explosion had happened right before the black hole was summoned.

Next we have this, and you can already tell I’m running out of transitions. The black hole doesn’t absorb anything, is it stupid? Well, we do see a similar case later, so let’s cover that as well. Both of these cases are pretty similar, with both being basically “black hole spawns in the hand of a member of the Doorman family while they’re not under Cyn’s control, and it goes kablooie.” These two specifically might not be black holes due to their unique properties (to say the least). Neither of these suck things in, and both result in odd interactions with their environments upon reaching the end of their lifespan. Uzi’s implodes, causing shockwaves and a rockslide, while Nori’s explodes, which causes the core kaboom. You can argue that Uzi and Nori have resistance to black holes to explain why they weren’t sucked in, which would certainly make sense considering how Solver users consistently cannot be affected by the Solver, but these two seem like they’re unique cases.

Next one is… what the fuck. This one might be a different unique scenario, as nowhere else in the series do we see black hole buzzsaws. Also the black hole doesn’t suck so it’s likely just a black hole buzzsaw generator. Also the buzzsaws are not black holes either. Should be obvious, given they act nothing like black holes and aren’t design consistent with others in the series, but I felt the need to clarify.

Next, black hole spam. On the opposite hand of the last one, these are likely real black holes, simply due to the fact that N actively flew slower when he was flying away from one, and that they’re spammed to the point of them barely existing for half a second, if even.

Onto episode 8, we begin with whatever the FUCK this is. Yeah, this shit is NOT it man. No interactions with the environment, used to collect matter planet-wide, no way in hell this thing is a black hole. It’s a matter collector thingamajig, idk that’s not my job I just determine whether they’re black holes or not.

Now we get into Uzi’s black holes that she makes whilst not under the possession of Cyn, with this being the first one. This is an interesting case, since it certainly shows odd properties, but nothing that takes it out of being a proper black hole. Solver users likely do have some form of resistance to black holes due to possessing the Solver, and Cyn crushing the black hole is strange, but by the shards being yellow we can infer that Cyn took the black hole as her own and used the Solver to shatter it, made clearer through storyboards of the scene. Oh yeah, color. The black holes have colored “outlines” to represent the host that created them, though only two hosts have ever gained enough control to use black holes. Those hosts, evidently, are Cyn and Uzi. Black holes made by Cyn have a yellow outline, whilst those made by Uzi have a purple one. Technically, it’s impossible for a black hole to glow, as its entire concept is that it’s so massive that nothing can escape, including light, but it is possible for there to be color around black holes, usually seen in real life through the absurdly hot matter surrounding black holes glowing. So yes, it’s fine if there’s an outline around the black holes.

Kicking off the first of the last few, we have the beginning of this raw as all hell fight scene. Cyn and Uzi make black holes here, they temporarily attempt to absorb one another before shooting off in different directions. This one is complicated. When black holes meet, typically they rotate around one another for a while until they merge, which happens to be considered one of the most energetic events in the universe. I can’t find any studies saying what would happen if black holes were launched at each other at unnatural speeds, so this is the best you’re getting. The energy from them attempting to merge launched them away. If you disagree, please press one. If you want me to launch four hundred eighty-two thousand, seven hundred sixty-one thermonuclear bombs at your house, please press 𝝅.

Finally, we have the one you've been waiting for. Cyn’s core is destroyed, and a massive black sphere envelops both Cyn and Uzi, greyscaling the outside world as far as we can see it. It also seems to slow down time to the point where it's near-frozen, as seen by the snowflakes. N and V seem unaffected by the time slow, but this could just be them being built different. Surprisingly, this black hole is pretty accurate, for the most part at least. It doesn’t absorb anything from what we see, but time is slowed to an immense degree, so that’s pretty excusable. Speaking of the time slow, this is likely a display of a black hole’s abilities to warp spacetime. Typically, it’s the other way around, with time moving faster for the observer, but the black hole is displaying spacetime warping nonetheless. Inside the black hole with Cyn and Uzi is completely pitch-black aside from the two of them, so it’s also pretty accurate. Also in this scene is Cyn's core-heart-thing that Uzi swallows. While we’re at it we might as well address Eldritch J’s death, which created a black hole-like object when the eldritch part was destroyed, and a similar one when her core was destroyed. All three of these have something in common, that being a black hole with a monochrome outline appearing when a Solver-infected drone dies. I have two propositions here, one of them makes sense while the other one makes sense if you take thirty-two kilograms of ketamine beforehand. The first, more likely one is simple. These black holes are the “minds” of Solver-infected drones. When Uzi swallowed Cyn’s black hole mind thing, Cyn’s consciousness became part of Uzi’s body, specifically in her tail. Meanwhile when Eldritch J died, the black hole mind things got away, therefore allowing J to be revived. The second proposition is the funny one, they’re singularities. You see, at the center of a black hole, a singularity exists, and Khan mentions that Nori mentioned a singularity. So what if, within a Solver-related drone’s core, there was a singularity powering them? With Eldritch J’s, they actively warp light around them like a singularity would. We can also see the same thing happening with Cyn’s core every time it beats like a heart, where it warps the light around itself, best seen on Uzi’s hand. Like I said, thirty-two kilos of ketamine. Push comes to shove, the things in the centers of Solver cores are probably not black holes due to them being weird. You can argue them being singularities, but… I wouldn’t.

So, that’s basically everything I think. For the most part, null displays the properties of a black hole, and the properties that make it questionable are mostly overshadowed by Solver shenanigans and other properties that make them black holes. With them being referred to as “singularities” by Nori and Uzi having post-it notes within her room attempting to find the Schwarzchild radius of a black hole using the equation for such, it’s definitely supported by series canon. There are some creative interpretations and uses of black holes in the series, some being more or less lifelike than others, but null is definitely supposed to be a black hole, even if some of them don’t really line up with what we know black holes to be in real life. Tl;dr, null, despite some inconsistencies, should be a black hole due to displaying many more iconic black hole properties and being supported by the canon of the series.

MFTL+ Tetris???

In Murder Drones episode 7, a quick scene shows Yeva playing Tetris really fast. Like really fast. She gets a score of 16 septillion in a couple milliseconds.

Problem? It’s an outlier lol. In contrast to for example ship scaling, this one is quite frankly absurdly higher than before. While sure, ship scaling would’ve meant a buff in the dozens to thousands, however, this is quite literally a jump in the billions to trillions. And not to mention that it comes from a blink and you’ll miss it joke. So not only is it  inconsistent and an incredibly large speed boost, but it too comes from a gag feat.

Objectively there’s technically nothing wrong with the feat, but it’s still a very extreme high end which, at best, should only be used with similar debatable speed feats.

Toko and Komaru

Komaru destroying the universe (yes, actually. But not really)

Hoo boy. Well to be frank, that name is kind of exaggerated. Essentially, in the UDG Anthology, Toko and Komaru stumble upon the title of their series. The latter decides to mess with it with the hacking gun, changing the words involved and thus the world they’re in. For example, changing one of the words to “strange” makes their outfits Monokuma hoodies and such. At the end of the chapter, they accidentally change it to “destroy” (or other such words in translation), creating a giant rip in space that isn’t explained. Unfortunately, it does not make them 4D.

Canonicity aside, for starters (and most damningly), it isn’t caused by Komaru in the first place lol. All of the changes in reality are caused by the words themselves and Naegi just editing them rather than anything she directly causes with her own power. Also, it’s outside help and the wide scale effect of the rip in space is vague at best. It is funny though.

Are the hacking gun bullets lightspeed?

A topic of contention for a long time was whether or not Komaru’s hacking gun bullets are actually lightspeed. The answer should be pretty clear looking at the feat section of the blog but yes, they are. This is also answered in the Korosensei Vs Monokuma G1 Blog, but the main argument against them is that they take a different form than an actual electromagnetic wave with their respective kanji in the front along with the fact that the link bullet swirls around after being fired. However, in animated material like Danganronpa 3 or the cutscenes, they move in straight lines and appear as either warped space or as light bullets, both of which move in straight lines (including link). These are more accurate to what EM waves actually look like. So yeah, they should.

Danganronpa BTV lightning round

This section is for questions that can be answered in a few sentences or more. Some could have longer explanations, but have been covered in one of the two Danganronpa G1 Blogs, which go into further detail. Let’s do this.

“Aren’t Danganronpa characters regular humans?”

As shown throughout the blog, the characters are clearly superhuman. They are called ultimates for a reason. Sakura Oogami stopping a tank missile with her hands should be enough of a showcase as to why.

“Should characters scale to Big Bang Monokuma?”

This question probably shouldn’t apply to Toko since she blatantly parries its arm slamming down on her at full force onscreen and can tank it casually if she doesn’t, but yes, she does. Komaru is relatively similar physically, but she loses a life unlike Toko when getting hit by it, which gives a much more difficult leeway for arguments. TLDR: Toko yes, Komaru maybe, probably not.

Art Section

(By Ninjamonkey3904)

(By Yulthedoof) + a trailer!!!

(By Pittheswordmaster, grab his commissions when they’re open!)

(By Ultra27)

(By Cabbage)

(By Minato)

Fight Script

Here’s a fight script Yul and Minato (especially Minato) made. Enjoy!




“I think dumb things are cool and I AM FREEEEEE”

Yo. I’m the organizer for this blog, here to say my piece on what’s basically my child in this community. You might recognize me from some of the information/verdicts from the G1 blog or that annoying guy on Discord. I did a very large majority of the writing and images for this one (like 90%), so thank you for reading it hopefully. You can also blame me if it’s a mess. That said, I want to endlessly thank everyone who joined for being there for discussion on these pieces of media we all enjoy while making the production for this a blast, as well as helping with stuff that I was frankly too lazy to do. This matchup is probably my favorite in general, partially because of creator bias but I also think it’s generally sick. Fight potential can get very creative with the solver’s borderline reality warping and Tokomaru’s overall combat dynamic that’s heavily underutilized in the game because of its mechanics. It’s also not really a scale issue, you can literally just save the big black hole kaboom for the climax since Uzi and N fight at a relatively grounded scale in every other fight in the series. It’s not like Toko and Komaru lack big AOE attacks either. Anyways, this is my first blog where I wrote an individual verdict so bear with me for a bit while I ramble. THAT CLEAVER LOOKS LIKE A SCREWDRIVER BY THE WAY

Let’s not beat around the bush here; Uzi and N completely wipe in stats. Comparing their best AP feats for their verses, Big Bang Monokuma’s high end of 300 megatons doesn’t even scratch Cyn’s small star black holes or even the ronnaton core collapse Uzi tanks. Speed is significantly closer, but still a decent gap. Nuzi’s low end speed of 20c is still 5 times faster than Nagisa’s mech which is the highest you can get Tokomaru’s speed without multipliers. Even with said multipliers, it is never beating the 442c calc for Cyn stabbing through the ship Uzi and N themselves were piloting. A 110.5x difference between high ends is not pretty. That’s not the fun part though.

Let’s get the tertiary factors out of the way first since that’s not the big meat of the debate. Toko and Komaru generally take skill and experience, since they compare to characters in skill like Sakura and Mukuro who’ve been training as the best in the world for most of their lives, while Uzi and N have been fighting against characters that can fight back for basically 24 hours excluding the prom fight. Toko and Komaru are also just generally more intuitive on how they interact with their environment. It’s not like Uzi and N are slouches in any of these categories but they’re consistently outclassed by a decent margin. Now for the yappy stuff.

In this match, stats are never going to matter as much as haxes do. Both have dura neg options like telekinetic exploding and break respectively, as well as versatility to spare. With that context, whose abilities are more potent? Let’s start with the Dangan duo. Toko and Komaru (more specifically Komaru) have several instant-win options at their disposal. Break is likely to at least incapacitate Uzi since her healing factor has only been shown to regenerate a finger and other such relatively minor injuries, while the hacking gun can deal absolutely massive amounts of battle damage on Monokumas. Burn can also exploit N’s weakness to heating up his generator, almost scarily specifically. If either of them were hit with either of these abilities, any defense they have would be meaningless and they would die on the spot. So why don’t they take the edge?

This is where things really fall into place. To best explain, I did Vs Debating’s favorite thing apparently and made a chart to explain every possible starting interaction between the Absolute Solver and Hacking Gun’s offensive abilities & how they would interact with each other.

Hacking Gun/Absolute Solver Starting Interactions








Depends on who Komaru targets first. If N, he can regenerate but will take time. If Uzi, both would likely quickly incapacitate each other, but Uzi would be removed longer due to having severe damage being inflicted on her body itself. Slight advantage: hacking gun.

Dance could temporarily incapacitate Uzi or N. Telekinesis would be stopped if Uzi is shot, but gives a big opportunity to destroy the hacking gun if N is shot. Equal benefits, draw.

Knockback could stop Uzi from attacking with the constant need for conscious effort for telekinesis. Advantage: hacking gun.

Paralyze would disable Uzi for a good while if a bullet was landed while Uzi has holding her in place, leaving an opening for either her or Syo to use a kill option. Advantage: hacking gun.

Burn takes too long for  meaningful damage to occur before Uzi just uses the telekinesis to follow up with any kill options. Advantage, absolute solver.

Due to Uzi’s hacking resistance, link bullets likely wouldn’t do much to interrupt her, though hacking N could cause problems. Regardless, it’s more likely Uzi just powers through and uses the opportunity to her advantage. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Technology shutdown

Destroys hacking gun, which is more valuable than any direct damage would do off rip since N is there to carry on. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Absolute Solver can AOE destroy the hacking gun, taking away Toko and Komaru’s main wincon which is more likely than Komaru landing a fairly slow bullet. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

If Uzi is hit, it would interrupt her attack, giving Tokomaru an advantage to follow up. If Uzi manages to activate it in time, the hacking gun is shut down, taking away the wincon. Tie or advantage: Absolute Solver.

If both were to hit at once, Uzi would be disabled for a bit but ultimately be able to come back into the fight. More than could be said for the hacking gun, which is a much more instrumental part of their respective team’s arsenal. Slight advantage: Absolute Solver.

Burn could destroy Uzi’s hand which is used for Cyn’s technological control, but is also at risk of being shut down. Draw or slight advantage: hacking gun.

Uzi’s hacking resistance means she could likely power through the link long enough to shut off the hacking gun. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Solver crush

Both instantly kill, crush is technically more valuable since it doesn’t have a method of dodging or distance to close, but is mostly negligible. Draw or slight favor Absolute Solver.

Solver crush can’t be dodged and has a 100% lethality chance compared to dance which opens opportunities for attack. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Solver crush has less effort and no distance needed compared to Knock ack requiring relatively close range. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Solver crush is just generally more lethal and as stated many times now requires less effort or time to kill. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Solver crush kills a lot faster than burn would. Advantage: hacking gun.

Link bullets would actually put a lot of work here. A mind controlled N who relative in stats to Uzi could do a lot of damage to someone as emotionally volatile as her and who also lacks regen. Could potentially distract her long enough to avoid the crush. Advantage: hacking gun.

Black Hole Creation

Black Hole has a massive AOE advantage, so it is more likely to hit Tokomaru than the opposite. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Black Hole out AOEs, but a well timed dance bullet could also lead to an out of control black hole which could damage both teams. Generally a draw.

Black Hole AOE wipes since Knockback is close range only. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Planet wide AOE moment. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Black holes are generally just a better ranged or offensive option. Advantage: Absolute Solver.

Black holes are a much faster way of instantly ending the fight without much room for error. Advantage: Absolute Solver. 

At face value, this looks really skewed to the Absolute Solver. However, that’s mostly because a lot of options for both were excluded since they wouldn’t be in-character for Uzi or Komaru to use, nor are they very offensively applicable. For example, the hope bullet or absolute solver duplication would lead to a lot of advantages for the hacking gun.

Still though, it’s impossible to ignore the numerical advantage in wincons the absolute solver would have. Even with those, some draws had to be given from me being a bit generous to Tokomaru. The most potent options are the solver crush and black hole, which would likely instantly end the fight. The tech shutdown is also a great option, though it has some counters from the hacking gun bullets. Generally the Absolute Solver is just a more versatile tool in general though, but Move and Detect and great environmental editing tools in their own right.

Anywho, besides the link section, this verdict hasn’t really mentioned their partners yet. Let’s try to rectify that.

N has an arsenal and ability advantage by a big margin. Just generally more stuff and his regeneration is a major issue for anything that isn’t a burn bullet from Komaru. That said, Toko has some workarounds. Namely, the drones have kind of dogshit piercing durability feats. If you want to go there, stabbing could probably work in bypassing their insane numbers advantage, though it would likely be contested in a lot of circles. She’s more proficient in her specific weapons of choice, which translates into her likely having an advantage in a hand to hand kerfuffle isolated from stats. There’s also an argument to be had over her taser being able to incapacitate Uzi and N due to their weakness to short circuiting. I probably lean towards yes on this, so yeah that could work. Her more miscellaneous abilities like the exorcism probably wouldn’t work though, since Uzi has counters and Cyn being purged doesn’t mean she loses her solver abilities.

As duos, Tokomaru’s better skill and more organized relationship (in fights) means they’d probably have better workarounds to some of Nuzi’s abilities, though the sheer amount of them would eventually lead them to overwhelming. That said, a couple abilities like flight could be countered by Uzi’s expert aim and Tokyo’s really high jumping distance. Again though, Uzi and N have so much random bullshit they’d likely just use one of Uzi’s instant win options before anything major could happen on the Tokomaru side.

Also, a couple misc. questions and answers:

  1. Couldn’t Uzi’s hacking resistance neg all of the hacking gun’s abilities?

    • I’d generally say no. One thing to note is that the hacking gun bullets target different areas of the Monokumas. For example, break targets the self destruct function while burn overheats the generator. The only bullet I’d say she directly negates with her resistance is Link just because it’s so similar to Cyn’s possession. The rest are still fine. They would also still affect N for the same reasons even if Uzi is his administrator now.

  2. Could Toko or Komaru even kill Uzi for good considering the whole black hole physiology regen thing?

    • I’d say so. Destroying the body seems like enough to at least destroy the host for a prolonged period of the time and requires them to repair themselves, and neither Toko nor Komaru are made of or carrying much metal so proper reconstruction wouldn’t really be an option.

  3. How about other solver/hacking gun abilities like hologram creation or detect?

    • These are probably more useful in an equal stats scenario. Considering the ap gap this is definitely more of a QuickDraw than prolonged battle so stuff like distractions wouldn’t have enough time to be set up or properly used in a matter more efficient than either team’s offensive options. In the specific mentioned abilities, they probably cancel each other out which is really cool.

If I hadn’t made it clear already, I side with the robot duo on this one. You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been ignoring stats this whole verdict, and that’s kind of because I think they make the hax debate kind of uninteresting since Nuzi blitz and one shot. That said though, I also think I’ve made it pretty clear that Toko and Komaru are definitely not out of options, and that they could win under very certain circumstances. And as future verdicts will point out, maybe it isn’t as big of a wash as I put it as. Though Tokomaru tried, they simply couldn’t keep up. Their hacking gun disassembled, Uzi and N take the shipping lifeboats for today. Hope you don’t despair. Sorry, I know that’s Vibes’ thing.


After 9 months in development, hopefully it was worth the wait

Howdy folks, it’s your resident Street Tier debating, SCP enjoying, Homestuck blog searching gremlin who you’m may(probably not) remember from SCP-682 vs Doomsday, Captain Cold vs Shocker, Korra vs Delsin, or like half a dozen G1 blog verdicts at this point-But well, this is my latest adventure in terms of blog shenanigans and hoo boy, it’s been a wild ride since this blogs been in production since what, the start of the year? But thankfully this looong road has hit its final stop, so let’s get this kinda rambly intro out of the way and talk about the matchup.

Though for a side note, I will be one of the few to bring up Talent Development Plan in my verdict, just to cover more bases even if the blog has established it wouldn’t be included. With this in mind, let’s jump in-.

Toko and Komaru vs Uzi and N has a lot going on admittedly on all angles because there’s a lot of interesting angles to tackle it from-you’ll probably hear this covered a lot but I wanted to cover as much as I could here-but no time like the present so well, let’s start with the basics in Stats.

Power is pretty clear cut for starters, on the lower end Murder Drones has a lot more blatantly superhuman or above feats when compared to Danganronpa‘s lower ends-between things like N throwing Uzi through the clouds, Uzi surviving her Railguin malfunctioning and especially V kicking J so hard it tilted an island definitely get above most lower end feats of Danganronpa like Sakura punching a tank shell so hard it reversed and various Monokuma explosion self destruct feats. Not exactly rocket science-though it is funny to think that while both series have casual ‘tearing bystanders apart’ feats via Disassembly Drones and Monokuma units, that the Disassembly Drone feats would inherently get higher via tearing through metal>tearing through flesh.

But bit feats and low ends aside-let’s talk about the feats that get good numbers and the good old comparisons.

Toko and Komaru have pretty solid scaling to about everyone in the verse which gives them a healthy amount of scaling to well, pretty much every feat in the verse-which between Nekomaru taking a land shifting dump(78 Kilotons), Mukuro acting as a high speed battering ram against a Monokuma(171 Kilotons), Toko and Komarus own durability feat of surviving missiles that were moving in tandem with EM waves(104 Megatons), and the big feat of Big Bang Monokumas head ascending to the heavens and saying ‘fuck off’ to some clouds on the way(289.5 Megatons), Toko and Komaru have healthy scaling from the Town to Mountain ranges, with a good amount of consistency considering the amount of feats to their name. Does it compare well to Uzi and N’s stuff?

Not exactly.

To put it bluntly, every feat in the Danganronpa Universe pales in comparison to even episode 1’s stats for Murder Drones Power, as the surface area required for Worker Drones to survive the initial core collapse is in the low Teratons, far higher then the triple digit Megaton feats that you can apply to Toko and Komaru. This is only made worse when you look at Nori surviving far closer to the epicenter of the Core Explosion getting single digit Zettatons, or Uzi surviving the second core collapse potentially getting into the triple digit Zettatons, far, far higher than anything in Danganronpa, even stacking all the item stat buffs from Talent Development plan and assuming they’re multipliers would only get Toko and Komaru into the single digit Gigatons, which I’ll briefly just go over the logic for.

The Katana V3 is a 3x multiplier to physical strength, the hacking gun V3 is a 3x intelligence multiplier and 30% buff to all other stats, the staff V3 and Shield V3 adds 30% to all other stats, the hat V3 is a 130% increase, the Uniform V3 is a 10% increase, the shoes V3 add a 300% speed increase plus all 10% to all other stats and the Talisman grants 10% increase to all stat, adding up to a total of a 680% stat buff, getting to 2.02 Gigatons.

Doing the numbers, 139 Zettatons vs 2.02 Gigatons is… A 68 Trillion times stat gap in Uzi and N’s favor.

And this is to say nothing about the AP of the Absolute Solver, which while I heavily disagree with the idea of applying it to physicals, Uzi would absolutely by the end of the series be able to tap into the full AP of it for her telekinesis is and Black Holes most likely. Which has feats ranging from the Yottatons to the Ronnatons of TNT(while there is some potential Quettaton feats based on Cyns black holes, I feel it is vague to say she simply popped them all at once since we only see them after they are made and don’t really have a timeframe for when they were created), which only furthers the gaps into the Quadrillions for how much weaker Toko and Komaru are then Uzis maximum attack potency.

So how about speed? Is it more even than the wash in the power gap?


Lower ends are about relative, Uzi and N have a fair few low Mach feats (N firing arrows so fast they catch fire, fodder Worker Drones outrunning an explosion, N throwing Uzi into the clouds and kicking back V’s rocket) to match Sakura parrying a tank shell and Toko slicing up missiles. Though Uzi and N’s ends are higher as N shooting arrows so fast they catch fire get about Mach 5 compared to Tokos missile feat getting about Mach 2.5, so the ball in low ends is in Uzi and N’s court.

The more consistent ends tend to end up about even as well. Though you can argue on a more consistent level that Toko and Komaru would be faster-Murder Drones has quite a few feats in the relativistic ranges between Uzi and N dodging V’s laser and V deciding to move in tandem with her own lasers alongside blocking a bootloop at near point blank, alongside the debatable feat of N resisting the pull of black holes gets Murder Drones pretty comfortably in the 5-35 percent speed of light range, though this is admittedly slower then the various EM wave feats in Danganronpa, such as Monokumas spinning in tandem with EM waves getting in the high 80 percents and Komaru dodging a EM wave point blank getting outright lightspeed. So a healthy speed advantage favoring Toko and Komaru in the mid ends.

So what about their most consistent feats? Well, Uzi and Cyn managing to react to each other's Black Hole throws would mean they’d be able to scale to the attack speed of it, and thus be able to scale N to it as well. While Uzi throwing the black hole through Copper-9 got 1.52 times the speed of light, meanwhile with Toko and Komaru their highest consistent end feat is Nagisa’s mech outpacing an EM wave by 4.4 times over, getting, well, 4.4c. Leaving the ball in Toko and Komaru’s court again by about 2.9 times over in their favor.

Of course this isn’t the end of the speed discussion, as this leads into higher end shenanigans-stuff that might not be 100% solid, but still has fair arguments in their favor.

Starting with a feat that if you’re familiar with this debate you’ve probably heard about a fair few times-it’s the random Worker Drone dodging a Disassembly Drone ship and thanks to how close it got before he started moving, him having to have significant tandem movement.

Admittedly as you’ve likely seen via the before the verdict which I will avoid regurgitating the points of-there’s a lot of debate for exact methodology you could use for the feat, the safest I personally feel would be using N starving himself, with supporting evidence that Thads shindig wasn’t a major upcoming event at the time of episode 3. Using the timeframe of how long it’d take for N to starve and thus for the ship to arrive, we’d get a minimum speed of 13.48 times the speed of light.

Of course, the counter-argument for Toko and Komaru’s side is to go back to Talent Development plan and use our good old friend multipliers. Or well, stat increases-to quickly summarize the percent increases I’ll just post it all below.

Shoes V3: 300%

Hat V3: +130%

Katana V3: 30%

Hacking Gun V3: +30%

Staff V3: +30%

Shield: V3: +30%

Uniform V3: +10%

Talisman V3: +10%

Total Increase: 570% increase

Using 4.4c as our baseline, this gets us to about 29.5 times the speed of light (more accurately 29.48, but still) putting the ball in Toko and Komaru’s court again, though not by nearly as much as 13.48c vs 29.48c is only about a 2 times gap in Toko and Komaru’s favor-not nearly as favorable as the Black Hole throw vs Nagisa’s mech movement without the multipliers, but still a healthy advantage for Toko and Komaru.

But there’s higher ends you can use for Uzi and N that Toko and Komaru are unable to keep up with, because thanks to Episode 8, we have an argument for scaling to the full speed of the Disassembly Drone Ships.

It was established in episode 1 that N does not know how to pilot the ship, which is supported by how frantically he was trying to pilot it in episode 8, plus the phrasing of ‘more of a 1 way missile’ for how he goes over how he was never taught how to land the spaceships gives precedence for N… simply not knowing how to slow down the ship.

This would end up meaning that Cyn being able to snatch the ship out of the sky with her energy tentacles-and the whole obvious scaling chain of Uzi and N to Cyn, would lead to Uzi and N being able to scale to the full speed of the ships, or at least downscale since they’d at worst be downscaling Cyn. Leading to Uzi and N downscaling 285 times the speed of light, since that’s the minimum speed based on N starving himself.

Comparing this to Toko and Komaru’s highest possible multiplier for speed leads to Uzi and N taking speed by 9.6 times over, and as a reminder-this is the bare minimum for how fast the ships could have been moving, as you can debate how much of N’s body mass would be fuel, and the fact that this is assuming the maximum possible timeframe for how close to death N was based on him likely starving himself. 

To be blunt, Toko and Komaru are almost ten times slower with their highest possible speed compared to the literal lowest possible end you can use for the speed of the ships.

So, there’s a lot of ends you can use to discuss speed for this matchup, the low ends and highest ends favor N and Uzi, while most of the mid and high ends favor Toko and Komaru, so it's more of a matter of consistency and which ends you’d feel comfortable using for which side ends up taking speed.

Of course, for which ends I think are the most consistent and I’d probably use? The Black Hole Toss vs the Nagisa Mech outpacing an EM wave are the highest feats that don’t rely on non-canon multipliers or a ship speed that’s inherently wonky and relies on a lot of factors to get a reliable speed, even if almost any end you’d get for it would likely above 4.4c, but for the sake of it being more interesting and feeling you can maaaaaaybe poke holes in ship speed scaling I’ll stick with 1.5c vs 4.4c for the rest of this verdict.

So, Uzi and N take strength, Toko and Komaru take speed, where do we go from here in order to decide what matters more?

Well, before we do there is one other argument I feel you can mention-Murder Drones has… poor piercing durability and slashing durability to be totally honest-as there isn’t really a single feat in Murder Drones that has someone not lose a limb or be torn through by a knife, blade or sharp limb(thank you Cyn), so you can potentially argue that since Toko has some good cutting and stabbing feats and Uzi and N have piss poor piercing/slashing durability that Toko might be able to harm them still despite the giant power gap-though your mileage may vary depending on how much you think piercing durability can make up for a AP gap based on the stronger characters anti-feats related to well, piercing durability.

Honestly you can probably tell this verdict is going to be all over the place already considering just how many topics there are to cover-apologies about that, but let’s move on with it.

Switching gears to tertiary factors, this is a lot more of a dubious category for who takes the advantage more times than not.

Starting with intelligence, it’s fairly clear that Uzi is the smartest person here, being able to build her railgun(a, in Uzis own words, “magnetically amplified photon converger”) is probably a few grades above everyone else here in sheer intelligence except maybe Toko/Jack, the former being a consistent best seller author and the latter managing to not get caught for years despite her killing sprees is impressive, but not exactly on the same intelligence level as Uzi building the railgun. N and Komaru meanwhile don’t exactly have any prominent intelligence feats of their own-not to say they’re dumb, but they lack any sort of super impressive intelligence feats compared to their respective partners. 

So intelligence goes about Uzi>Toko>Komaru=N.

Experience is a bit more of an awkward conversation, while it is clear that Uzi has the least experience here with likely at most a few months and Komaru has about a bit over a year of experience based on the gap between Ultra Despair Girls and Danganronpa 3s Future Arc. The other two are a bit more questionable in timeframe for how long they’ve been operating due to it being more vague.

We know both N and Jack have been operating for years-though neither have a distinct timeframe for how long they’ve been killing and fighting for. You can argue N has mostly fought Worker Drones that aren’t able to fight back easily up until the start of the series, but you can argue the exact same thing for Toko since until the events of Danganronpa 1 IF or Ultra Despair Girls depending on which timeline you use, she likely wouldn’t have fought anyone remotely comparable to her as well so that cancels out. The only real metric you can use to decide whose been fighting and killing for longer is the fact that Genocide Jack isn’t in control 24/7 and thus wouldn’t be on a constant murder spree, while N was always having to hunt Worker Drones for his own survival, meaning that while both have vague timelines for how long they’ve been killing, it’s easier to say N has more experience then Toko/Jack then vice versa.

So overall, N>Jack>Komaru>Uzi for experience.

Skill thankfully is a lot easier to simply put together an order from most to least skilled pretty quickly. Toko is the only one with super concrete skill feats and scaling-being able to stalemate Sakura and Mukuro in IF is an extremely good feat that none of the others really have the capability of saying they’re remotely on the same skill level of. Komaru and Uzi have the same sort of ‘skill feat’ of them being able to pick up combat and an entirely new skill set on the fly with Komaru learning how to become a crack shot with the Hacking Gun and use it to its full extent in days, and Uzi learning how to actively control the Absolute Solver without losing her mind in what must be weeks are fairly comparable due to how much more complex the Absolute Solver is, especially since both were working from scratch, though Uzi has the slight buff of having watched enough pirated Anime that she actually has learned some moves from them as established in Episode 1, yes, really.

N is the weird one here for establishing a hierarchy in skill. He’s been fighting for arguably the longest here, but the issue is that all of his prey were Worker Drones that he could kill really easily, you could argue he’s in the same vein of skill as Uzi but Uzi was able to ‘kill’ him when all she had was a Railgun with a half an hour charge and pirated anime for training-N has gone evenly with V in every encounter they’ve had. While V is very flashy a fighter, that doesn't necessarily translate towards skill, especially when V’s biggest skill showing (handling the Sentinels that could incap her with one wrong move) is something N doesn’t exactly have comparable showings to against the Sentinels in the slightest. I don’t want to dog on N’s skill but he kinda just lacks any concrete showings that’d justify him being above even Uzi or Komaru here.

So for skill, Toko>Uzi>Komaru>N overall.

So tertiary factors are a lot more split down the middle, Toko’s the most skilled, N’s the most experienced and Uzi is likely the smartest person here, though the skill gap is likely larger than the intelligence and experience gap, so we’re at a standstill again in terms of neither side holding a super massive edge.

This leads us to abilities and arsenal for our final ‘stage’ of the discussion, and what is blatantly going to be by far the most bloated in word count due to how much there is to cover, especially since I am also covering Talent Development Plan.

I am sorry in advance to people who are allergic to words.

Starting with their arsenal and whats useless, the fucking Railgun is borderline a liability, a single good stab causes it to self destruct, it can only fire once every half an hour(and being blunt, regardless of who wins the fight is not even lasting ten minutes if that.), and it has enough of a windup for the shot that Toko and Komaru could likely aim-dodge it. It’d be more viable as a blunt instrument as shown in Episode 8 then as an actual gun because of how easily it is for this gun to be fucking useless as a gun.

What isn’t useless on Uzi and N’s side however is Uzi’s pickaxe, being basically the only thing in the entire Murder Drones universe with any semblance of piercing durability, along with being a general good tool for CQC.

Though admittedly, while it is obvious, it’s not comparing to the Genoscissors in the slighter, Toko having a nigh infinite supply while Uzi has a single pickaxe, plus Toko being able to slash objects from several meters away does give her a unpredictable range advantage over Uzi and N’s normal CQC Options, which combined with her skill could absolutely put Uzi an N on the backfoot, and Toko does have a fair way to put pressure on the Drone duo.

But admittedly, the most important thing in this entire matchup, and the most useful tool that Toko and Komaru have, is the Megaphone Hacking gun. So let’s talk about it!

For starters, to get the obvious out of the way, Move and Detect are borderline useless unless you try to stretch how they’d work in order to make them useful, with mostly the argument that Detect would be able to allow Komaru to work around Uzis holograms, but that’s a debatable argument at best considering the quality of the Solvers holograms compared to how useful Detect is in-game.

But the others all have some various use, Knockback allows Komaru to get some breathing room if Uzi or N try to attack her in CQC, Paralyze or Stop does that but also opens them for Komaru to hit them with a counter-attack, Dance temporarily forces Uzi and N to just dance and leaves them wide open for an attack, but what's very interesting are the other bullets.

For starters, Burn is objectively a counter to how N’s physiology works, as it is described as overheating a Monokumas generator to kill them, which is almost exactly the same as why Disassembly Drones need to consume oil or die, because they are at risk of overheating and burning up if they don’t consume oil to cool down, and while it isn’t exactly clear cut that Uzi when she got the Solver ended up in the same sort of situation(based on Doll having all those corpses saved up with bowls of oil, and how Uzi reacted to the heat in episodes 4 when the sun was rising and 8 when she was burning up Cyns core with sunlight, along with Uzi having a flesh core to begin with), you can argue that it’d heavily damage Uzi as well if not outright kill her.

Then there’s Break, which fucks with electronics in general and causes them to, well, Break! While this wouldn’t kill N due to the fact he can outright reboot himself after he’s well, killed(what I mean is the whole “you died, Idiot” screen meant N rebooted himself even after he was killed by Uzi in episode 1 means that he can likely reboot himself after he gives his body a bit of time to repair itself, just like what happened in episode 1), though it may temporarily inhibit him depending on the damage Break causes to him. Though Uzi meanwhile doesn’t exactly have any sort of self-reviving defense like N does, she can regenerate, but we haven’t seen a case of her just, reviving outside of the weird end of episode 8 instance that we don’t even know a timeframe for.

TLDR: Break probably at most can temporarily incapacitate N, but could probably kill Uzi.

The more interesting one meanwhile is Link, the anime allowing Komaru to be capable of controlling multiple Monokuma units at once, so she could possibly take control of both at the same time… in theory anyways.

While it would work on N, he’s not really shown any full on resistances from being taken over or hacked, the more interesting case is Uzi. Because in Episode 8, when Cyn tried to do a good old Callback(ping) and take over Uzi again, she forced Cyn off, every single time in episode 8. While it wasn’t instant, it’d definitely be enough to force off Komaru trying to control Uzi.

So Komaru has a few bullets that can temporarily hold off Uzi and N, one bullet that can kill N, and two bullets that can kill Uzi.

But of course, most of this has been talking about what Toko and Komaru can do to Uzi and N and not vice versa, so let’s switch over to abilities and see what Uzi and N can bring to the ring.

For starters, on a baseline level N can do a lot more then Toko inherently-the nanite tail is a instant win if it hits, he has more ranged options with his guns, missiles and lasers, and he has more ways to trip Toko up in CQC with his claws, chainsaws and swords then Toko only really having the long ranged slashes to trip N up.

Similarly, while Komaru and Uzi are more of the long range fighters, Uzi obviously well, has multiple ways to keep up if she has to fight in CQC with her various body parts she could make thanks to the solver-her tail and the wings she’s used to both grab onto and tear other drones apart, and as a stabbing tool to catch her opponents off guard. The inherent nature of her being able to put these away and take them back out at a moment's notice means she’d be able to trip up Toko in CQC as well with her unseen versatility.

Though on the note of wings, yeah that’s kind a big advantage for Uzi and N in general-they can fly, and N’s travel speed in particular is potentially in the low Mach ranges(see: him throwing Uzi into the clouds, which based on how long it took her to fall was likely in the double digit kilometers, and N covered that distance in about 20 seconds) means that Uzi and N are absolutely the more mobile duo, Komaru doesn’t exactly have any good travel speed feats, and while Toko has caught up to a monorail by simply jumping, it’s a far cry from Uzi and N’s sheer mobility and especially the latter’s mobility.

Though that mobility allows us to turn into how Toko and Komaru handle it, which… isn’t the best admittedly? Komaru has lock on aim, but it doesn’t mean lock on bullets and Uzi and N can simply aim-dodge Komarus attacks, and while Toko has long ranged slashes and the Scissor Spirit bomb, the main issue with those is that Uzi and N can simply well, fly out of Tokos range-leaving the duo a sitting duck.

This isn’t where the difficulties for Toko and Komaru end however, as Uzi and N have well, regeneration! N’s showings are a lot more potent of being able to regenerate his whole damn head from being obliterated in less than 15 seconds, and Uzi can regenerate lost limbs just as easily means that a lot of the damage Toko does will just be negated, and unless it’s a fatal hit for Uzi, that Break Bullets damage will be repaired over time.

Though obviously Burn Bullets and Break Bullets can do some damage to kill Uzi and N through their regeneration, and more interestingly, the fleshy cores of Uzi and N can actually signal to Toko where to aim based on her enhanced smell-as a fleshy smell coming from the inside of Uzi and N could likely tip Toko off on where to aim for a fatal blow, if you argue piercing durability.

Though all of this ties into the metaphorical elephant in the room we have yet to talk about despite us being(checks word count) 4000 words into this verdict. The Absolute Solver itself!

And being honest, yeah it does swing things dramatically in Uzi and N’s favor for how much leeway it gives Uzi and N, so let’s go over its abilities.

Telekinesis is something that Toko and Komaru don’t really have an answer for? There’s no Telekinesis in Danganronpa for a resistance to come from to begin with so it basically allows Uzi to control the flow of the fight quite easily by moving around rubble or destroying cover or buildings in order to force Toko and Komaru to play by her pace, or her just trying to swipe away Toko and Komaru’s tools to leave them wide open(while this wouldn’t affect them much as thanks to Tokos natural scissor supply and Talent Development plan giving Komaru multiple Hacking Guns, it still leaves them wide open for several seconds), or she can just target them directly by either holding them in place to give herself or N a free hit or just crush them outright like what Doll did in episode 3. And there isn’t that much that Toko and Komaru can do but play by Uzi’s rules.

There’s also the singularities-which while it isn’t Uzis go to, is absolutely another ability that allows Uzi to control or just dominate the flow of the fight, being able to just spawn and throw around singularities into existence that Toko and Komaru have to avoid or they get obliterated in a single hit is an absurd advantage, and if Uzi decides to throw it at the ground in order to try to just use it as a form of AOE with how much it can damage the planet is.. Very much something Toko and Komaru can’t safely dodge-just look at the cloud splits alone and you get an idea on how much the AOE can get.

There’s also… the weird transmutation, while it is uncontrollable(though likely… more controllable since Uzi has since mastered the solver) it has been shown to transmutate inorganic matter into, well, organic! While we don’t exactly have a clear showing on it affecting organic matter and thus being able to turn Toko and Komaru into flesh puddles, if Uzi were to try to use it on them… She could just utterly disarm Toko and Komaru of all their equipment by turning it into just, lumps of flesh, which is again, another way for Uzi to force the fight to continue on her terms rather than vice versa.

What also is absurd is it’s range, Uzi was able to part clouds on the other side of the fuckin’ planet to get some sunlight to go through the core to incinerate Cyn, meaning that on top of the mobility advantage and AOE advantage, Uzi very much has the range advantage on top of everything else by a massive degree.

There’s also a few other powers that Uzi has technically not personally used, but since she has Cyn stuck in her consciousness and is no longer struggling to control the Solver, you could theoretically argue she can use them as well.

Which would give Uzi teleportation(more mobility), object duplication(aka more pickaxes and thus taking away the fact Toko had the advantage of more CQC weapons to pull from even if she loses her first set of genoscissors), barriers(which would block Toko’s attacks… not Komaru since the barriers have never been shown to block things like EM Waves), hacking by waving her hand(potentially able to just shut off the hacking gun, removing their reliable way of killing Uzi), or just creating full scale holograms that can cover a entire church and are real enough a drone was convinced they were drinking something when the drink they were holding was a hologram(forcing the fight to basically 24/7 play on Uzis terms) or just matter absorption to regenerate with the Matter collecting protocol, making Uzi even harder to kill.

While you can get away with not using these in a script or a fight animation to make things more even since Uzi has never personally used them. If you argue Uzi can personally use these abilities, then she basically has full control over the pace of the fight and can limit Toko and Komaru heavily in a multitude of ways thanks to the Solver.

But now, to turn things around again and make it even more complicated, let’s talk about what Toko and Komaru get from Talent Development Plan since I am including it in the discussion, aka time for rpg shenanigans!!!!

Honestly, where do I even start with all of this-RPG shenanigans are well, RPG shenanigans so I have a fair bit to cover, so I’ll try to do what I can starting with some support stuff. Link to the Toga Toko Neo blog and look at the talent development plan stuff to know what I'm going to be using here. Though a lot just isn’t useful due to being stat amps(which well, we’ve already gone over how even with maximum stat amps they are massively, massively weaker, or the elemental attacks not having anything super effective against Uzi and N so they’re not notable) or just stuff specific to Talent Development Plans system, so don’t be surprised if I don’t bring up everything. 

For starters, being able to teleport around thanks to High Jump Card and Encounter Card(the latter of which also allows Toko to handle the mobility gap and get in close despite Uzi and Ns ranged tools) do help close the mobility gap a fair bit, and their various healing abilities like the Recovery Card and Recover Influence means that they are able to keep going unless it’s a fatal blow. And Cure Condition could mean they could outright remove N’s nanite acid from their body if he gets a lucky stab at them.

There’s also the revival abilities in the room, such as Revive Card being an automatic revive for Toko or Komaru if they were to get taken down, and Fighting Spirit allowing Toko or Komaru to well, revive each other if one of them goes down.

This drastically helps Toko and Komaru’s survivability against Uzi and N’s sheer AP advantage, allowing them multiple chances to try again against Uzi and N, and can very much catch Uzi and N off guard the first time they come back to life.

But what is slightly less important but still a drastic part of the discussion is the Stasis Effects that Talent Development Plan offers Toko and Komaru to use on Uzi and N, all of which would likely work due to the fact well, the enemies you face in Talent Development Plan are robots-so saying Uzi and N would be immune due to their physiologies doesn’t inherently fly… So let’s see what they have to deal with. Minus Apathy and Energize, since those are based solely on Talent Development Plan specific powers(the Awakening Gauge)

For starters, Poison is barely going to do anything, N is capable of curing the nanite acid that is within his tail, and at worst both’s regeneration can offset the poison until it wears off, so it won't have much of an effect on Uzi or N long term.

Sleep, Blind, and Confuse are all in a similar bubble of ‘useful but not game changing’, so let’s go over them one at a time.

Blind would limit Uzi and Ns vision and their aim, but admittedly N’s 360 degree vision thanks to his eyes and his various visions such as infrared or ultraviolet would allow N to at least be able to see Toko and Komaru and thus hold them off, or in a more blunt way, Uzi could just use her AOE with the black holes by just throwing it at the ground to deal with the blindness outright.

Sleep is useful via well, knocking them out, but it means Toko and Komaru only get one free shot before they have to do it again-which considering Uzi and N’s regeneration and general survivability means that them getting a fatal blow-especially if they only get one to sleep at the same time, which would be very difficult, so it’s useful, but not a game changer

Confuse meanwhile… doesn’t exactly change much? Any attack from Uzi and N still one shot Toko and Komaru, so while they’d be a lot less coherent in their teamwork, it doesn’t change the fact that Toko and Komaru would have to be very careful in approaching due to their random actions meaning they could easily get hit and one-shot. So useful, but not exactly reliable.

Curse is weird in that it negates the target from using their skills, which can be seen as a generalized power null. Though it’s kinda weird to tell what it’d disable-saying it’d disable the Solver is fair enough, but things like Uzi and N’s wings? Or their regeneration when there’s specifically Despair to arguably negate their healing factors? It’s odd to say how much it’d be able to negate Uzi and N’s arsenal, but the fact it’d likely be able to turn off Uzis ability to use the Solver temporarily is a huge enough advantage for this to be seen as a generally really useful and potentially game changing ability.

Despair is an interesting one in that it blocking off recovering influence(which is HP in Talent Development Plan) could outright mean it’d negate Uzi and N’s regeneration temporarily, which could be extremely dangerous when combined with Toko’s sheer skill could let Uzi and N be overwhelmed or possibly taken out by enough Breaks or a lucky few slashes and stabs from Toko.

And finally, KO, it doesn’t kill Uzi or N, but it is more comparable to just a more dangerous Sleep, as it means Uzi and N are just sitting ducks for Toko and Komaru to wail on if they get hit by it-likely leading to their outright death if say, Toko gets a stab through the core or Komaru just spams Burn bullets one either of them, so yeah, solid ability.

So there’s actually some fairly dangerous abilities in the RPG shenanigans known as Talent Development Plan, some of which are actual wincons for Toko and Komaru due to how badly they’d inhibit the Drone duo, which balances things out quite a bit between Despair, Curse, KO and the Revives.

So, with everything in mind, who do I side with?

Well, to be blunt, despite how much Toko and Komaru can do to keep up, I think it’s a lot safer and easier to side with Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N more times than not. 

They’re never drastically slower and will always be AP stomping regardless of the ends you use for both, they have far better survivability that's more reliable unlike the revival abilities Toko and Komaru have, which can run out or be separated so they can’t revive each other. 

They have the edge in range, stamina(due to being robots), AOE and mobility by a healthy degree, and while the status effects from Talent Development Plan are useful, the Solver is so much more reliable a win-condition compared to the debatability of piercing durability and the exploitable nature of the Megaphone Hacking Gun, since outside of Curse, they have no way to remove the Solver from Uzi, while thanks to Uzi telekinesis, she can just outright throw away or even just crush the Hacking Gun. Which would limit Toko and Komaru’s ability to end the fight by a significant degree.

The Solver in general allows Uzi and N a lot of control over the fight, while the Talent Development Plan abilities allow Toko and Komaru to put Uzi and N on the backfoot, Uzis telekinesis, holograms and hacking just force Toko and Komaru to fight on the exact terms that Uzi wants the fight to be on in particular in a far more reliable and wide-scale way compared to the Talent Development Plan abilities.

And all of this is assuming we give Talent Development Plan abilities to begin with, as it becomes a lot harder to argue Toko and Komaru winning without it due to removing their revives and a lot of dangerous abilities they have that could threaten Uzi and N, they’d still have piercing durability argument and the Hacking Gun yeah, but it’d limit their options to take control of the fight drastically. It also removes their stat multipliers, which makes it a lot easier to argue Uzi and N taking speed(even if I’d still say speed is relative with the most reliable ends) and make it nigh impossible to argue they’d even match the lower ends of Uzi and N in power.

Do Toko and Komaru have advantages? Yes, several actually-they have arguments to be slightly faster, Toko stomps in skill, Komaru and Toko are more experienced then Uzi and smarter then N, Komaru has ways to bypass the AP gap outright and directly target Uzi and N’s weaknesses, and Toko has arguments for piercing durability and her long range slashes can absolutely catch Uzi and N off guard, so they have a good bit in their favor.

The issue is that Uzi and N are stronger, have better survivability, the range, mobility, stamina and AOE edge, and an overall more reliable and wider arsenal of abilities to, well, Murder the Saviors of Towa City. That’s, that’s the pun. Go home.

In general though this matchup is a lot of fun and can really use everyone to their full extent. I know some people say its a scale issue but Uzis only ever been high scale with one ability(the black holes) that you can work around.

Like, even ignoring how perfect the personality interactions are and how enjoyable them interacting would be, things like replicating the dance moment from the Doll fight with Dance bullets is almost too natural to not include. You can actually use Detect in a meaningful way with Komaru using it to sleuth out Uzi and N when Uzi uses holograms to get the jump on them, N’s regen is basically the perfect tool for Toko to just go ham on and actually be able to stab and slash through an opponent without restraint. Uzi breaking out of Link through sheer willpower when Komaru tries to make Uzi fight N is almost too perfect for a climax style idea. You can even use Tokos enhanced senses and N’s various special eyes by like, making the Black Hole teased earlier when Uzi gets fed up, but have Komaru manage to connect a Link and force Uzi to detonate it in her own hand, causing the entire arena to collapse a bit and be covered in rubble and dust, and while Komaru and Uzi are recovering, have Toko use her enhanced senses and N his eyes like I mentioned earlier to just duel in the dust while their partners are recovering. And while it would be fairly obvious what wins the final blast, a Black Hole toss vs the Hope Bullet is basically the perfect final clash. In general there’s a lot you can do with this matchup that has a lot of weirdly specific interactions that you can’t really get with any of their other matchups(or frankly, find ANY other matchup for Komaru due to how specific her kit is), and I’d love to see this become an episode because I’d trust the DB team to make something amazing out of this.

But yeah, thanks to Yul and Door for having me on and letting me ramble for probably far longer then I should have, I love this matchup, both these series, and I just had a good time on this blog, and as for all of you dear readers? Hope yall have a good day and idk see you again in Serial Designation V vs Terezi Pyrope in like a year or somethin lol(still coming out faster then Kevin vs Gajeel!!!), enjoy the rest of the blog!

Mr. Man

We have calcium in our bones, watch KR Ghost btw

Hi there, it’s me, Mr.Man. You probably only really know me if you’re on the DBW server, but I am on DBJ sometimes, either way I'm really happy to be here. I want to give a big thank you to Yul and everyone else for letting me participate in this blog. I have got a lot to say here. Pretty big fan of both franchises and characters here. I really love this match, and I actually wasn’t sure who was gonna win when looking at the match initially, so who do I think takes it?

Stats are probably the least interesting aspect of this debate so let’s start here, it’s pretty clearly in favor of the drones. Even ignoring all the black holes and all that, scaling to worker drones who survived the Copper-9’s planet level core collapse would put Uzi and N’s AP and durability much higher than anything Komaru and Toko would scale to, even being as lenient as possible to the latter two. Speed is a little more interesting, as it’s relatively even for the most part, but once you factor in scaling to other characters, the drones would be outpacing Komaru and Toko by a fair bit due to scaling to that worker drone dodging that ship, it’s not an outright blitz (it’s like 4c vs 13c with the lowest end of the ship dodge, not the biggest difference in the world), but Uzi and N are slightly faster.

So yeah, Komaru and Toko are likely not taking any of the stats here, but I know what you’re thinking, maybe they have a better chance with their abilities and weapons? And you’d be partially right.

The hacking gun is one of the most dangerous things on the entire field here, most of the bullets would be devastating for Uzi and N, the Break bullet could just be able to kill Uzi and N with a one or a few shots, but more specific bullets are trouble too. Paralysis and Dance can force them to stay in place to leave them open for more damage, and Burn would overheat the generator of both drones, which would be crippling for N as a faulty cooling system is one of the Disassembly Drones main weaknesses. To make things worse for the drones, abilities like Auto-Lock would make it so that Komaru can more easily get the shot she needs to end the fight even quicker, and Toko could help buy her some time to get that chance.

Not to mention that Komaru and Toko are generally more experienced in fighting. While Uzi and N are hardly slouches, Komaru and Toko have been doing it for way longer and against a wider variety of opponents. (Plus for a decent amount of time N’s opponents were the Worker Drones…who weren’t exactly fighting back lol)

All of this sounds pretty good for Komaru and Toko and it seems like they might be able to pull off a win in spite of their lower stats, but then we have to factor in Uzi and N’s own weapons and abilities.

For starters, they could simply just destroy the hacking gun with N’s corrosive nanite tail, bypassing the biggest wincon that Komaru and Toko possess in the first place. If they can’t do that, then they simply just need to avoid getting hit by the hacking gun, and with their speedy flight they’d definitely be able to avoid getting hit in the first place. Uzi and N’s offensive abilities and weapons also help them quite a bit, the railgun would definitely be able to kill if Uzi can land a shot with it and all of N’s weapons would give him some pretty great ranged options.

This is to say nothing of the Absolute Solver, which can destroy technology, transmute inorganic matter into flesh, throw Komaru and Toko around or crush the hacking gun with telekinesis and can also just allow Uzi to throw black holes at people, all of which is pretty self explanatory as to why it’d be useful against Komaru and Toko. All of these useful abilities and weapons are on top of Uzi and N’s advantage in the stat trinity.

Think of it like this: both sides have ways of instantly winning the fight, but only Uzi and N have ways of getting rid of that instant win option whereas Komaru and Toko don’t have a way to make Uzi and N weaker or slower than they already are.

If Komaru and Toko were just a bit faster, it’s possible they’d have a better shot at winning. It’s not a complete stomp or anything, Komaru having the hacking gun at all is gonna be a massive advantage here, and they do have experience in the bag, but as it stands, Uzi and N have the strength, weaponry and the devastating abilities needed to take the win more times than not.


My OTP can beat up your OTP.

Hey, I’m the guy who really, really likes shilling the ProjectMoon games in VS. I’ve helped with a couple blogs previously (Garland VS Oersted and Ragna VS Velvet), but this is definitely the one I’ve been the most active in the production of.

I even wrote most of the script when Yul had too much going on, so I really hope you enjoy that.

Before I start my verdict, I really wanna thank Yultehdoof for letting me onto this blog. Watching Murder Drones’ last two episodes with everyone, talking about the matchup, and writing the fight really made this the most fun I’ve probably ever had in the VS community. I really can’t thank him enough for this.

Onto the verdict, I probably don’t need to go over stats. Uzi and N completely eclipse in attack potency and durability, so Komaru and Toko are really getting carried by the hacking gun in this fight.

However, I would like to humor a potential wincon for the Despair Girls—that being the Link bullet. See, they likely won’t be able to kill the drones normally given the stat gap. Move and Detect aren’t really built for combat, Dance only incapacitates targets and needs another bullet to be capitalized on, Knockback is more useful for keeping close foes at bay than dealing damage, and Burn can backfire horribly if used on Uzi. Even Break is probably iffy since the number of shots needed to destroy a robot can depend on the robot itself.

That leaves Paralyze as the only other consistently viable bullet, but that one also has very limited ammo. So why not save the bullets and use the drones’ stats against them by making them kill each other instead?

Well, despite this being realistically the only way I could see the girls winning, I’m also gonna explain why this wincon probably won’t be reliable enough to guarantee a win.

Firstly, Uzi’s shown to be able to resist hacking. This means in order for this to work at all, they’d have to use it on N and kill Uzi first.

This is where the second problem comes in: not only does Uzi already have experience dealing with Disassembly Drones in her base form (let alone her Solver form), but Komaru would also have to be controlling N constantly, which means that she can’t use her other bullets and if Uzi is able to interrupt her or figures out she can destroy the hacking gun before N destroys her, N will get freed immediately.

Finally, Uzi and N just generally have more reliable wincons. They can already win via brute force alone, but Uzi can also just use the Solver to crush the hacking gun (and probably Komaru’s hands in the process) or throw a singularity at them. Komaru doesn’t really have a way to lock Uzi out of the Solver, meanwhile she and Toko are dead the moment the hacking gun is destroyed.

Overall, even if you gave Komaru and Toko the speed advantage, their wincon is a lot more shaky and requires them to rely on N to take out Uzi before she can catch on and destroy the hacking gun or sever Link. It doesn’t help that it’s a risky move that would likely lead to Komaru becoming Uzi’s primary target for the rest of the fight.

So yeah, Link could theoretically help Komaru and Toko win, but it’s way more of a gamble than the drones’ wincons and if they lose the hacking gun, they lose the fight.

With Uzi and N’s better strength, durability, and HACKS, it’s only a matter of time before Komaru and Toko BITE the dust. The winners are Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N.

Which works for me, because Nuzi’s my preferred ship of the two.

P.S. Go play Library of Ruina, it’s amazing.

Arson Lord

I have a very positive outlook on life I’m just not a morning person

How do I start this this is my first real blog 

Uhhhhh hi it's me Arson Lord. You probably would only know me if you’re on the DBJ because that’s basically the only major vs server I’m on, outside of a few debate month servers. Regardless, I’m not the topic of discussion right now so I’ll make this segment brief. Working on this blog has overall just been a hell of a lot of fun, from being able to finally calc the infamous ship feat all the way down to just being able to torment talk with other people about a series that I like. 10/10 experience, would recommend.

First thing’s first: stats. I don’t think this needs much explanation… but I’m doing it anyways. Toko and Komaru are on par with the Big Bang Monokuma, which could withstand its own head being launched with enough force to split clouds. The power needed to accomplish a feat like that would be almost 300 Megatons of TNT. Additionally, Komaru dodged a shot from Byakuya’s hacking gun, and the duo should be on the same level as Nagisa’s robot, which dodged a hacking gun shot as well. This puts both of them consistently at or above lightspeed, with the latter feat clocking in at four times lightspeed. Impressive as the Ultra Despair Girls (title drop!) are, they don’t even hold a candle flame to the inferno that the drones have in stats. After the end of episode 8, it should be clear that Uzi is the strongest solver user, due to the whole eating Cyn and assimilating her consciousness thing. Therefore she should be upscaling users such as Nori and Yeva, who survived the core’s collapse at a very close distance. N should be scaling to them too, given that V killed Yeva and an undisclosed disassembly drone did serious damage to Nori. This puts the Murder Drones (title drop again!) at around 3.7 Zettatons of TNT, a lowly twelve trillion times stronger than Toko and Komaru. As for speed, Uzi and N have shown to be superior to normal worker drones in basically every conceivable way, including speed. You should already know where I’m going with this. On the lower end, the drone that dodged the crashing ship was moving at thirteen times faster than light, and the higher end has him moving at one hundred twenty-seven times faster than light, both ends are greatly faster than Nagisa’s mech. Rubbing more salt in this wound, Cyn is able to move her tentacles in tandem with the ships themselves, making them capable of movement between almost three hundred times lightspeed and over two and a half thousand times faster than light, far beyond what Toko and Komaru have achieved. Uzi and N take stats with a landslide of an advantage.

Abilities, on the other hand, are much more complex to break down, as with the nature of abilities. To make sure this section doesn’t last for seventy shitzillion words, I’ll be only covering the most important abilities for both duos.

First, we have to talk about Komaru’s Hacking Gun. Moreover, could the Hacking Gun work on N or Uzi? For Uzi, the answer is more than likely a massive no, since she actively resisted Cyn’s attempt to control her, and even counter-hacked Cyn in a way. Remember, the Solver, at its core, is still essentially a jacked-up eldritch horror computer virus. Since Uzi could resist its attempts at her mind, most of the Hacking Gun’s functions would be ineffective against her. N is a slightly different story. After the events of episode 5, the admin status of his systems was transferred from Cyn to Uzi. It may not seem like a large change, but in episode 7 Uzi’s admin status is seen overwriting Cyn’s influence on N. This would be leaning more on the side of N being capable of breaking out from hacking after a short period of time, as opposed to being nigh-fully immune to it. If you look back, you’ll see that I said most of the Hacking Gun’s functions, and here’s where that comes into play. On the complete opposite end of things, Paralyze and Burn are quite literally exact counters to N and Uzi. For Paralyze, in episode 6 we see both of them being knocked offline by an EMP and in episode 1 Uzi is severely weakened by a slightly more distant EMP. N likely has a level of resistance to EMPs, but it’s only a means to an end, as he was still temporarily incapacitated in episode 6. Quick side note, but the same logic can be used to justify Toko's taser being capable of affecting the drones as well. Burn, however, needs a bit more explanation. Near the beginning of episode 8, N and Uzi are falling through the atmosphere of Copper-9 from orbit, with them being lit aflame by reentry. One could look at this and claim this makes them immune to Burn, but this would be a flawed argument on the basis of misunderstanding how Burn works. Burn functions not as a basic fire attack like the name would imply, but instead it overheats the target's generator, which just so happens to be the main weakness of anyone remotely affiliated with the Solver, including N and Uzi. Hell, Cyn’s core was even destroyed by overheating it, so Burn working on N and Uzi’s cores isn’t really a stretch. Break and Hope could also affect them, they’re just slightly less relevant in this case. Due to N and Uzi being resistant against hacking, it would take a lot of using Break to actually deal meaningful damage.

N and Uzi’s abilities are a bit more straightforward, partially because they don’t involve selective hacking and finding out what abilities can work and what ones can’t. N in particular is relatively simple, having very few notable abilities. Uzi, on the other hand, has way more abilities, most of them stemming from the Solver. With its power Uzi can utilize telekinesis, copy and paste objects, teleport instantaneously and frequently, and, of course, make black holes. Not only is creating a singularity an absurdly powerful feat, it is also durability negation at its finest. It’s pretty simple, really. They take the matter around them, and stretch it in a process known as spaghettification. As you can imagine, it’s pretty difficult to come back from having your molecules turned into Italian pasta, so you die pretty quickly. Uzi can also seemingly just put them wherever she wants, so what’s really stopping her from grabbing her targets and spawning a black hole on them? Even putting singularities aside, the Solver has its uses elsewhere. One of its most common uses, and the one it was introduced with, would be the regeneration, which both N and Uzi possess the same level of. As long as their cores remain undamaged, neither of them can really die. As shown in episode 8, N’s body dies when his core is removed, but it is revived when the core is returned, and the same thing happens with Uzi just a few minutes earlier. As seen with Nori, cores are able to function on their own, and Solver user’s cores are still capable of using their powers.

So to conclude, N and Uzi are over twelve trillion times physically stronger than Toko and Komaru, Uzi with her Solver could potentially be almost 62 sextillion times stronger (18.45 Quettatons vs 298 Megatons), putting them as maybe possibly having a slight advantage in strength. In speed the gap is much less intense, ranging from between 3.37 to 31.83 times faster, still giving the advantage to N and Uzi. Additionally you can argue Uzi scaling to Cyn’s tentacles, which puts Uzi between 71.43 and 674.43 times faster. Komaru’s Hacking Gun is certainly going to prove a problem, with Burn and Paralyze in particular being massive threats. However, even putting aside the massive stat gap that would allow N and Uzi to speedblitz and one-tap, Uzi’s Solver just provides too many opportunities for a victory. The Solver just has way too many functions, and none of them are limited in any notable capacities, at least for this debate. The saviors of Towa City could hold out hope, but against the superior stats and abilities of the Disassembly Duo, they would run out of ammo (get it? Cause- cause… Uzi? Like the gun? I should be banned from making puns) and bite the dust. The winners are Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N.


Uzi vs D is peak just don’t focus on the fact it entirely ignores all their series

Hey there fellas. In a wild turn of events behind the internet landscape, I somehow ended up in the right time and right place for this blog. With quite the weird pairing isn’t it? Girl with robot gun and her freaky bipolar scissor friend vs Edgy robot girl and the nicest robot you’ve ever seen. But in a fight to settle their DEFINITELY CANON RELATIONSHIPS (shut up!!!), who shall Dangan their last Murder?

Let’s start with the easiest and my favorite subject of all, math! And to the surprise of absolutely no one reading this, the skinless husks of machinery output human strength once more as we’re being replaced. JCJenson’s sure did make high quality products, as these drones are somehow capable of surviving several planet core collapsing on them, sure can part clouds good, and crush black holes in their hands? Well that last one is a bit convoluted and questionable, but even if you were to ignore it, their many high scale feats would outdo the girl’s big teddy bear decapitation. 

Speed is a bit more complicated even if it is clear cut. By exclusively accounting for direct and easy to understand feats, the ultra despair girls™️ would actually have a slight 3x edge by scaling to Nagisa’s mech moving 4x faster than the hack gun’s projectile over Uzi’s black hole throw. And with Toko casually blitzing hordes of Monokumas and even Makoto Naegi’s sister, they, or at least Toko, would be upscaling it a solid bit. But as you’d expect behind their fandoms, it’s a goddamn ship war!… literally. As we complicate things with that random nobody drone (not joking he is nameless) in episode 3 narrowly avoiding one of the interstellar ships from the disassembly drones. Yayyyyyy!!! :):):):) As the father of this feat, I am deeply sorry, but don’t worry as we no longer have to worry about that fodder drone as Cyn quite literally catches N piloting one. With both of these feats of drones reacting to ships, I’d personally say they’re fine to scale to their ships, although whether to full speed is questionable to say the least; but even ignoring the high ends and simply sticking to lowballs by assuming an unreasonably large time frame for these ships to arrive of a year, they would be nearly 5x faster than the ronpa girls by being 18x faster than light. 

Since the main fight comparisons I see for this match are between Uzi vs Komaru and N vs Toko, I will mainly be contrasting those two’s arsenals and abilities, as they also have comparable move pools. 

Uzi vs Komaru is quite clear cut in opposing ways. Uzi obviously has abilities in the bag with her Absolute Solver while Komaru has the arsenal with her Hack Gun. Both of these tools are the most important aspects of the entire debate, as they give both sides of the duos pretty useful ways to fight and haxxes that would nullify each other’s durability. The Hack Gun, although extremely useful, personally falls a bit short in comparison to the Absolute Solver. 

While sure, it allows for some great stalling options which do leave the drones open to attacks, only two modes of the megaphone are actually able to kill the drones, Burn and Link. I’ve seen some people argue that since we see Uzi and N survive atmospheric re-entry Burn would be ineffective, but like, it wouldn’t really lol. Burn overheats the cores of Monokumas, and we’ve seen that drone cores are their weak spots allowing them to be killed, so it would most likely work. It also sort of contradicts Disassembly Drones burning to death in the sun, so the best explanation I have is that the outside of the drones are either heat proof or the coldness of space was countering the rising temperature. As for Link, Komaru could simply control both Uzi and N, since we see in the anime she can control various Monokumas at once, and make them destroy each other’s cores, or at the very least leave them open for a finisher. Albeit there’s problems with this, as we know Link struggles to work on stronger robot units, of which team NUzi are, while also their regeneration being a pain to get past as they’d need to focus on their cores rather than anything else, and finally the possibility that Uzi might resist Link all by herself since she was able to overcome magnets messing with her and even ‘hack’ back Cyn’s possession over her during their fight; although that last one could be argued to be a case of the Absolute Solver being sort of a hive mind rather than something entirely different like the Hack Gun controlling Uzi.

While we’re at this, I know most people were misinformed with how Komaru’s Break worked, now that it's been clarified to trigger the self-destruct of the Monokuma units, it means it wouldn’t combust the other duo instantly since they don’t have any self-destructs that we know of; and even if they did, it would still take several shots if Komaru doesn’t get a precise one.

Now in comparison, the Absolute Solver allows Uzi to obviously use telekinesis, transmutate, and throw gravitational singularities. It’s possible to give Uzi access to Cyn and Doll’s abilities as well, of which teleportation, duplication and holograms would be incredibly helpful, and not to mention the possibility of Uzi having the same singularity core as Cyn, but personally, I won’t argue it since we never get a full confirmation so I’ll ignore them.

And by comparing both of those side by side, Komaru’s Hack Gun has many ways to stall but only one real Ike way to kill while Uzi’s AS allows her several ways to end the fight, such as by simply crushing the Hack Gun or launching a black hole at them. By the way, due to the absurd strength gap, Uzi’s telekinesis means that any attack with it would tear the girls apart.

As for N against Jack, the Disassembly Drone has a very clear cut edge in pretty much all segments. Whether it be with his array of longer blades, fire power, mobility options, 360º infrared vision, or simply insane healing, it all for the most part blows Syo’s out of the water. I will say, while Toko could use her taser against either of the battle bots (goated show) to do electrical harm to them and possibly cause a malfunction as she did against Monokumas, this is something that Toko does rather than her literal murderous personality; and even then, N has an arguably better way to deal electrical damage which would nullify both the taser and Hack Gun with his EMP. Of course it wouldn’t be his first option since they’re not fighting robots but it could certainly come in clutch if ever needed.

Finally, with the tertiaries, I’d say Komaru and Toko have a pretty hefty advantage. Sure, N has the most amount of experience, but that experience was mostly forgotten and the one he does remember is against defenseless Worker Drones who never fought back, while Uzi struggled a lot to even control the Solver and her only real fights were while she went crazy with her solver and against Cyn in the finale. Komaru and Toko’s experience fighting against dozens of not hundreds of different types of Monokuma units, the Warriors of Hope, and Big Bang Monokuma paint a far more experienced and skillful picture for them, and not to mention Toko’s got more experience on her own.

Congratulations if you’ve made it here! The journey was long and you had to READ over a thousand words of my brain being logical arguing with itself. So which of these four FREAKS will Drone their last Ronpa? After 8 months of writing and waiting for a series to finish, I can say with confidence that the bisexuals beat the bisexuals… well the bisexuals get replaced by the artificial bisexuals! As Uzi and N’s hopes of winning this fight are high.

For starters, Uzi and N were always stronger without any way to sugarcoat it in the slightest, but this fight never depended on that aspect, as Komaru’s Hack Gun is perfect against robotic opponents and could certainly burn their opponents if given the chance, but that’s another area where they falter too, as even if you were completely disregarding any and all forms of ship scaling for our homicidal roombas, the speed gap would only be 3x against them where a singular hit from Uzi’s unavoidable telekinetic powers would nonetheless obliterate them. And with ship scaling, the gap ranges from below dozens to even the thousands. Also, not to discredit or insult Toko, but due to her lack of any abilities to affect the drones besides her taser, she’d for the most part only be a distraction to let Komaru do all the heavy work. There’s no real way to slice and dice it, while Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa would certainly have significantly greater shots at winning if stats were closer with their hack and slash, Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N possess the power, speed, and right tools to more than hope to put a bullet in these despairing girls.

We truly live in a society where robots replace the humans


Project Sekai is pretty good and has consumed my life, play it

Hey, it’s me! Door-kun - that girl who’s been on way too many G1 blogs in her spare time, here for the second New horizons blog. Should say again - this was mostly Yul's project, shoutouts to him for bringing all this together, I'm just happy to host lol. Anyways, on to this MU and my verdict.

First of all, I should talk about the match itself. Yeah, I like it a lot. Theme is simple but effective, great banter, great dynamics, etc. Also disagree with the criticisms I’ve seen (arguing it is an episode 1 Uzi MU is dumb af). It’s pretty fire, and I really like it.

As the third biggest waffler here (Ninja and Cabbage are bigger wafflers though) and known Tokomaru defender in equal stats, how do I think they measure up to the Murder Drones in unequal stats?

Im terms of AP uh. Yeah they’re fucked. I can’t beat around the bush - Large Planet vs. Island is not a gap Toko and Komaru are overcoming. Thankfully, though, AP is kinda irrelevant here, due to both sides having duraneg options.

So now, speed, which in my opinion Toko and Komaru should take. I’m personally fine with UTDP multipliers, and the ship dodge might be fine, I don’t wanna get into that, but I don’t really agree with the logic of the Cyn MFTL feat. Sure, N doesn't know how to properly pilot the ship, doesn’t mean he’s immediately putting it at full speed or that the ship can instantly go full speed - it’s a bit weird to me to argue the ship is going at full MFTL speeds without some weird arguments.

So, 29c vs 13c. 2, almost 3 times advantage for Tokomaru. Not bad. Now, how about abilities?

To be blunt, the hacking gun only has 3 abilities worth talking about here. Burn, Break, and Link.

Burn is by far the most useful bullet here, so let's start there. Before Episode 8, Burn couldn’t be used on Uzi cuz of Cyn, but Cyn isn’t a factor anymore, so I think it’s a pretty reliable option, all things considered. N would obviously be fucked up by it, and there’s no real reason to think Uzi would be immune to overheating other then “it kinda feels like she might be”. So, if Komaru can get some good hits in there, N and Uzi are toast. Literally.

Break is only really useful on Uzi and is kinda just worse Burn here, to be honest. Can’t kill them both but could fuck up Uzi with enough hits, but N would resist cuz of his regen.

Link would only work on N, and this is a really interesting option. N could absolutely deal serious damage to Uzi, especially with us knowing about the cores inherent to Solvers/Disassembly Drones as per ep 8 - N in the right place could hypothetically get Uzi and from there put her down via Komaru's control.

You could also make the argument that Toko could eek out a kill with piercing durability. Murder Drones hss consistently shit examples of it (pen level tbh) so you could make the argument that she could say, stab N/Uzi in their core to kill em, since we know thanks to episode 8 that's a threar.

So, there's definitely a few win conditions for Toko and Komaru, and their speed advantage also helps a lot. N and Uzi have a way simpler wincon of uh.

Kill them.

All of N and Uzi’s attacks are one shotting, and since we’re not using the canon revives from UTDP (cuz that’d be dumb for a blog lol), that’s it. Game over.

Realistically, N and Uzi prolly win even under this scenario I’ve set up… buuut, I do think you can make an argument for Toko and Komaru, even if it’s not super strong. They do have win conditions. …Also they need a vote, so…

But, yeah. This match is closer than you’d think, but realistically still who you think wins wins. I’m on copium lol.

Toko and Komaru win ES though btw-


Personally I think Uzi and N will probably win because Murder Drones has a vast cosmology. It starts out with a singular universe, infinite in size and then expanding into an infinite number of alternate timelines every quantum moment. With every subconscious and unconscious action and nonaction, an infinity of alternate timelines (universes) is generated. And then for every one of those universes, an infinite amount of alternate universes is generated over and over again, AD Infinitum. This simply starts from a single universe, turning into its own subsection of the multiverse. Each of these universes represents a manifestation body of Multi-Eternity. The greater multiverse is much, much bigger, already being described as infinite and even transfinite (an infinite series of infinite numbers, each greater than each other - this all starts with aleph-null, the baseline infinity). Atop the transfinitely-growing multiverse are an infinite number of spatial dimensions, even being referred to as planes of reality (of which there has been implied to be a transfinite number). And of course, Murder Drones being Murder Drones does not just have one multiverse, but rather an infinite number of multiverses and megaverses as well making up an omniverse.

This omniverse and all multiverses and universes within are kept separate by the multiversal Superflow which is conceptually transcended by the Superflow of Dreamtime or the “true” Superflow. This Superflow is a conceptual space that holds abstract, metaphysical concepts and archetypes that are beyond time, space, and form. The Superflow holds many layers such as the Microverse, Macroverse, Astral Plane, No-Space, and the Multiplane. The realm of abstracts, Overspace, sits within and atop the Superflow of Dreamtime. Otherworld sits separately from Overspace and contains pocket dimensions like Blightspoke which contains dead realities. Beyond the Superflow of Dreamtime would be the Neutral Zone which is also located between and beyond the multiverse. It is the edge of science but also so much more as it is an archetypal space for primal forms beyond that of the Superflow. Just as the Superflow views all underneath, the Neutral Zone views it. It is the final edge to the 8th Cosmos before it (Multi-Eternity of the 8th Cosmos) can be viewed as an infinitesimal speck within the Outside. Every iteration of Eternity grows more powerful than the previous one up until they ascend to their afterlife. The First Firmament is bigger than all though.

The Outside is the Beyond. It’s the outer dark - nonexistence in its purest form - it is Oblivion. Beyond even Oblivion lies the farthest Far Shore at the end of all things. This is the point at which the truest nature of Yggdrasil surrenders to, its aspects and aspects of aspects emanating into lower realms. Merely looking at the Far Shore from Oblivion is enough to drive one insane. It views everything below it as fictional ideas. It is conceptually beyond everything else, viewing everything underneath as mere comic books with conceptual ideas within it. It is the final step in the Murder Drones Cosmology before stepping into the unknown… into Mystery. The Mystery is the White Hot Room and the Above Place… the opposite to the Below Place of the One Below All. It is more like Heaven than any other heaven beneath, just as the Below Place is more like Hell than any hell above. The Mystery is where probability spawns from creation… where the ideas of Murder Drones sink into from the tip of the author’s pencil. From the Mystery, one can gain Mysterium, a magic metal made up of primal Kirbons (named after Jack Kirby).

Beyond the Mystery is only the House of Ideas. It has many entrance points on Earth and is the core of all Murder Drones. From it comes everything that ever was, ever is, and ever will be. Anything that is even slightly relevant to Murder Drones stems from the House of Ideas, whether it be canon or noncanon. Even fanfiction and headcanon are parts of the House, for the dreams of true believers of Murder Drones become reality within the House. From it, infinite stories are born. It contains all characters, all stories, all ideas, and all concepts. Nothing in Murder Drones is beyond the House, except for its true creator, the One Above All, who is Murder Drones' “omnipotent” God and the representation of all of Murder Drones' writers, editors, readers, artists, and fans.

Rina Antiqua

Final Conclusion

Uzi and N

“Before we met, scary stuff was… actually pretty scary. And tonight too, since you weren’t there to make it ‘fun’ somehow. I kind of forgot what that was like.”



  • Significantly stronger

  • A bit faster with normal ends…

  • N has more combat skill automatically.

  • Incomparably higher AOE

  • N’s regeneration makes him hard to kill…

  • Absolute Solver grants several win conditions, such as crushing them telekinetically 

  • Better utility with a wider arrange of objects

  • Uzi can take away or break the hacking gun

  • Uzi has a father…

  • The better ship

  • The ship is actually canon rip bozos


  • …But slightly slower with high ends for Toko and Komaru

  • …But it can be negated by burn bullets

  • Uzi is the least skilled of the four, and N is less skilled than Toko

  • In a bad situation if ever shot by Komaru

  • Worse hand-to-hand combat

  • …But her father is Khan Doorman

  • Next stop on the N trauma train: the emotional repercussions of homicide on two (partially) innocent girls!

Toko and Komaru

“I finally found hope. A hope to call my own. Right, Komaru?”

“Yeah, that’s right!”


  • Faster with high ends vs low ends/low ends vs low ends…

  • Generally more skilled and experienced

  • Hacking gun is a massively versatile and could negates Uzi and N’s durability

  • Burn bullets can negate N’s regeneration, and possibly Uzis

  • Link bullet could provide a possible win condition…

  • Toko can generally match the duo’s agility and mobility

  • Toko can provide cover for a short while

  • Komaru has a better aim… 

  • Their funny wholesome YouTube clips are more funny  wholesome

  • They experience slightly less existential horror

  • The better ship


  • …but a significantly slower with high ends vs high ends

  • Significantly weaker

  • The hacking gun can be broken by Uzi’s telekinesis if she catches on

  • Overall versatility

  • Toko has no way around N’s regeneration

  • …but it would only work on N, Uzi already has experience fighting Disassembly Drones, and Komaru’s connection to N can be interrupted

  • …but it doesn’t really matter since Uzi doesn’t need to aim most of her abilities

  • If they lose the hacking gun, they lose any chance of winning

  • Spanish Donkey

  • The worst two panels ever

  • Their feelings for each other… are not real


Despite the matchup’s new rep in the community, this isn’t a total wash. Toko and Komaru take all tertiary factors, arguably match in speed, and have a plethora of lethal abilities with the hacking gun. However, when all is said and done, Uzi and N are the last ones standing in the apocalypse. Guess they committed absolute murder (drones).

Vote Tally

Uzi and N (9) - Yulthedoof, Ninjamonkey3904, Mr.Man, Minato, Vibe Check, Cabbage, Arson Lord, Rina Antiqua, Ultra27

Toko and Komaru (1) - door-kun (you get one, buddies)


Hey, Yul here again. I know you’re sick of reading my stuff again, but this time it’s for good reason. I really can’t thank the people who’ve worked with me on this blog for almost a full year now enough. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all of you. And you, the reader, for ideally getting all the way through this thing. And also you, the other reader who skipped to the end to find the verdict you probably already thought but was paranoid Danganronpa got another buff. Anywho. Again, my biggest gratitudes to everyone involved with this massive grind of a project and hearing my insane ramblings since January. As for New Horizons, Kevin Vs Gajeel is on the way so be pumped for that. As for my own personal pet projects, I’m shifting focus to work on another blog, Four Vs The Collector. Be on the watch for it. Buh-bye.


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